Address unknown trezor metamask ▫

@ElMoly11 I am certainly not suggesting creating multiple hidden wallets. As you can see in the screenshot you posted, the wallet (created by Trezor) is not connected.
Have you tried making the transaction in MyEtherWallet? Are you getting any error messages when making a transaction in MetaMask?

@ElMoly11 I see! Thanks for sharing the error message with us. Unfortunately, this only refers to not having the correct private keys in your device. Have you recovered your wallet with a seed recently? If yes, you can wipe the device and then import to it the recovery seed you are 100% sure represents the wallet you’re searching for.

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But what seeds do you mean? to that of the trezor or that of metamask ??.
I have the trezor a few days ago, just install the suite, create the account in metamask and now this happens to me. I am totally sure that I chose standard wallet, as well as how you can see it happened to other users, it is not a misuse or ignorance

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Pudiste solucionar amigo?

If you have use the address derived from your Trezor recovery seed (not the MetaMask one) you are suppose to recover your wallet using Trezor recovery seed.

After you do that please go to your Standard wallet (as you are totally sure that you have chose standard wallet before) and navigate to your ETH account. When you generate the receiving address, are you getting this one: 0x13cC…869C ?

I already resolved it. Apparently that address was created with a password and after 3 days of trying and trying thousands of combinations I could find it.
Now let me leave you a comment, to you it seems functional and predictive that in the initial menu of the trazor suite it has the option of hidden wallet ???, they should get it out of there right now, a lot of people are losing their funds. It is something very sensible to add a 25 ° to our seed phrase, as there is not a more important warning? As they don’t ask for another factor before adding one more word to the seed ??, this alternative of a hidden wallet should be at the bottom of the most hidden options and you DO NOT just enter the application.
In my case, the first wallet I made was the standard one, but then when I wanted to use it I got the pass window and understanding that it was a validator of the transaction I put a password, but I never thought that that simple step, without any warning, would be generating another wallet to which I transferred all my funds !!!, it is crazy that it is that simple … take out that option now !!, if we already have our seed words, why the hell do we want to add one more word? .
I’m sorry for my euphoric expression, but understand that it is delicate and how it happened to several already. Because also, if I lost everything with my seed, I could even recover the PIN, but with my seed and without my secret phrase, no? Do you really think it’s okay?
Like everything in security, it is important to have more, but when there is a lot of it it becomes dangerous, it is like having so many keys in a door that the day the house burns down, you will not be able to leave …
And I add that I am very dissatisfied with their responses, almost those of a watsapp bot.

Greetings to the entire community and I hope you can solve it

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I am glad that your issue has been resolved and you were able to access desired wallet again.

Please note that when you connect your Trezor, Suite presents you with Standard/Hidden wallet selector with a note that Passphrases add a custom phrase to your recovery seed which creates a hidden wallet (and each of these wallets can use its own passphrase) as seen on the picture below.

By using the passphrase feature, you, the user, gain lots of additional personal responsibility in direct proportion to the security enhancements.

Anyway, your feedback has been forwarded to our Product team that is constantly improving the UI and UX.

The warning was not on that initial screen, the error occurred when you wanted to use my standard wallet and I got the screen that I attach in the image … here it does not make any warning. I repeat, I already understood that I had generated my wallet correctly and that this step was a validation.


I have the same problem. i transferred BNB to the metamask with trezor wallet and some other tokens.
But after that I can no long do anything with the tokens inside the MM w/ trezor. cannot withdraw/swap.
it says unknown address. any fix for this? please mention me. thanks

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any update on this? i have the same issue. i sent BNB on the MM w/ trezor but i can no longer send/swap it. - “unknown address”. please mention me if there is a solution on this. thank you.,

Hi @RMAT_09, as it’s been already said earlier in this thread, you either have a wrong seed in your device (perhaps you’ve recently recovered your wallet with a seed and have used an incorrect one), or you are using a wrong passphrase when accessing wallet. There is nothing else you should focus on - it is either an incorrect seed, or a passphrase (eventually both).
Some users in this thread have already confirmed that the issue was caused by using a wrong passphrase. From our experience that is the most frequent cause of such issue.

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hi @NIYAK , thank you for your reply. I not recovered my wallet. I also tried with passphrase and without but same. i cannot sent/swap my tokens inside the MM w/ trezor.

i also tried to login in but i cannot see my address there. both with passphrase and without.

it hangs after clicking the confirm. note: i tried connecting to trezor with my passphrase and without pphrase but still the same. it hangs then after few minutes, it says unknown address

i was facing same problem then i disscover its because wrong passphare sp i try to find right passphrase then it work i can move fund

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If you are 100% sure you have the correct seed, you should focus on the passphrase then. If your funds are in a passphrase protected wallet, please try the following:

  1. Please check all possible variations for the possible typo (A passphrase’s length can be 50 characters max, it is case-sensitive and all ASCII characters count - even an empty space is a character
  2. Make sure that you have set the correct keyboard layout
  3. When typing the passphrase please click on “Show passphrase” so you can see what you’re actually typing

I am sorry I can’t advise anything more specific.

I’m so happy you were able to find your funds!

But herein lies the main issue for a lot of the problems people are having. Do your research on the technology you are planning to use everyone. Especially when it comes to your finances.
If you don’t understand how it works and you lose your funds because of your ignorance, then it is no one’s fault but yourself. You’re lucky you were able to recover your assets. Be more careful next time and understand what it is you are doing.

Taking out the hidden wallet feature would be removing one of the best features of the Trezor Wallet. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand how it works, it just takes some patience, reading, and doing research.

By the way, I’m not trying to sound condescending, but there was no soft easy way to say this.

Do Your Due Diligence everyone. :wink: :slight_smile:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Trezor Hardware account linked to Metamask not sending funds to other address/wallet

A post was merged into an existing topic: Matic stuck on Trezor connected to Metamask

I have cleaned my trezor device to change the PIN that was giving me an error when you want to change my metamask funds, I entered my seed phrase and reconfigured a new PIN. Now I have my funds in metamask but when I want to make a transaction, the trezor does not respond, maybe it is necessary to do another step to re-link the metamask trezor account with the device, can you help me please?

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hi i have same problem when i update firm ware 1.10.5 i can’t find my wallet in metamask and i did’t open passphrase at all can you help pls :cry:

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hi @eekkung

If you haven’t used passphrase before, simply leave it blank.

If you enter an empty passphrase (no passphrase at all), the device will proceed exactly as if the passphrase feature had not been activated at all, and generate a wallet from your recovery seed stored on the device.