Category | Topics |
Video TutorialsIn this category, we will place our official video tutorials from Trezor YouTube channel.
General topicsAll the essential information you should read before using your Trezor device.
Suite issuesCan’t connect your Trezor? Do you have questions about firmware upgrades? Or you have any issues related to Suite wallet? Ask here.
Hardware issuesIn case you encounter one of these hardware issue with your Trezor device:
Third party walletsSome coins aren’t supported directly by Trezor, instead they are accessed using third-party wallets and secured by your Trezor device. Please note we don’t provide support for third-party wallets. This category is intended for discussion about how to use them properly.
Coins and transactionsAre you looking for any information about various coins and tokens? Discuss them here.
SecurityWith a hardware wallet you are your own bank. Keeping your cryptocurrencies safe requires to learn security best practices.
Feedback and suggestionsThis is a place to provide any feedback on Trezor or Trezor Suite, request new features or discuss anything related.
AnnouncementsOur latest releases and blog posts are published here.
Other languagesNot familiar with English? This category is dedicated to ask questions in any other language. Our community members could help you.
How to use the forumDiscussion about this site, it’s organization, how it works, and how we can improve it. Your suggestions and improvement proposals are welcomed.