Using Trezor in Binance Smart Chain Network

You don’t have to pair your Trezor only with Metamask but also other 3rd party apps such as MEW.
Please note that those are only interfaces which allows you to access the tokens and manage operations with them however your token are still on blockchain, more precisely on the address from which only you have the private keys that are always securely kept offline on your Trezor.
So as long as you do not expose your recovery seed (from which the private keys, public keys, accounts, and addresses are mathematically derived) online your funds will be safe.

Hello i just bought Trezor T wallet, it was very nice design and Easy to use interface. But i have a problem, i don’t know how to delegate/staking my BNB using Trezor hardware wallet. Maybe on binance Dex can do it but actually until now only provide for Ledger hardware Wallet connect with Binance wallet. Is there a way for me to use Trezor for Staking BNB?? Please teach . Thanks in advance.

It is preferred to install the Metamask wallet on your Google Chrome or Firefox. Then connect your device. Choose the hardware wallet.
If you are using a hidden wallet, enter your passphrase, if you are using a standard wallet, just hit Enter
Open this website, search for bnb, and add the bsc network to the MM wallet.
Then you can start using the bsc network
The wallet address is the same as the eth wallet address you selected.

Nice Information thanks for sharing

Hi BtcLtc,

I think I am missing a couple of steps here. I have installed BEP20 via MM to my Trezor. I have successfully transferred Bitcoin & Cardano by clicking on the “Bitcoin” (Network?) on the left side column in my Trezor & of course the “Cardano” (Network?) further below on the left side.

So if I want to transfer say DOT or POLY or UNI on the BEP20 network what do I do next?

The BEP20 is not there on the list with the officially supported coins (network??). Where do I find it? Is it on the MM website & I just click on BEP20 somewhere? & the address comes up? And when I give that to the exchange the MM will just send it to my Trezor? Is that how it works? I don’t really get it. Don’t I need to give that address to the Trezor as well so it can accept it??

Kind regards



BEP20 tokens are issued on BSC network (which is one of many others EVM compatible networks).
They use the same format of addresses as Ethereum network so basically you can send it to the ETH address generated in Trezor Suite.
However as EVM compatible networks are not supported in Trezor Suite interface, in order to access such tokens (and be able to send them) you have to connect your Trezor to third party app.

See following video where to process of accessing such network using Trezor is described.

Thanks MichalZ. Got a bit of reading to do.

Much appreciated,


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Hi there.
I have set my Trezor with an Ethereum account, added the contractor for SHIB (which is now correctly shown in the Trezor Suite) and wish to transfer from Binance my Shiba Inu (SHIB) coin. I know that I can just use the Ethereum account but that would mean pay preposterous gas fees just for the transaction. I saw that I can achieve more or less the same but with far lower transaction fees using the BNB Smart Chain.
So I’ve installed Metamask and paired it with my Trezor (the very same Ethereum address shown in the Trezor Suite is now shown in Metamask and “protected” by Trezor). In Metamask I have added the BNB Smart Chain.

Should I now use the very same Ethereum address (that in Metamask with the BNB Smart Chain has the amount shown as “0 BNB”) when I chose to transfer my Shiba Inu coin via the BNB Smart Chain in the Exchange’s site or are there other steps I should first follow?

I think that I still have to do some changes in order to see/receive SHIB via the BSC network. Should I add the SHIB token in Metamask, and to do so do I have to insert the correct contractor address (searching via bscscan site). Is this correct?
Probably I could still receive the coins in my address without making this change, but in Metamask they won’t be shown as the respective token is not added yet.

I guess that the SHIB token I added in the Trezor Suite is not useful in my case since that would be used only is I transfer tokens on the Ethereum Block chain and not the BNB smart chain that isn’t supported yet by Trezor. Correct?

Hi @CoinOink,

you are correct. You need to send your SHIB tokens to the ETH address you connected to MetaMask. To be able to see and manage the SHIB BEP20 token (sent via BSC) in MetaMask, you need to add the token. Select “Import token” and enter the contract address of the Binance-Peg SHIBA INU Token (can be found on to “Token contract address”.

Also, remember that if you want to send the tokens out in the future, you will need to have BNB on the same ETH address to be able to pay transaction fees.

That’s awesome, thank you very much for the detailed reply, there’s useful information there.

Just out of curiosity, if I would have transferred through BSC to the ETH address without first adding the token in MetaMask with the corresponding contractor, once transfered would the coins be lost or they would have been still received on the address but just not shown in MetaMask (so adding the token/contractor after would have been still ok)?

you can add the desired token to MetaMask after you send the transaction. It does not affect the transaction itself.

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That’s what I thought. Thank you very much for your replies.

(P.S. Just wanted to take the opportunity to thank the team at Trezor. I’m super happy and satisfied by the device! Awesome job!)

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Hello everyone, please, something unpleasant happened to me. Yeasterday I sent ETH from binance to trezor via network BSC (BEP20) and it did not arrive in the trezor wallet. I can see the transaction was successful in the Binance transaction history, but nothing happened in Trezor wallet. The adddress is correct. What would you recommend me to do to get my money back? Just to let you know, later I tried the same transaction however via ERC20 and it has arrived.

Hi @Tereza740,

Your coins are in your Trezor, since the transaction was completed, but you cannot see them with Trezor Suite because you used the BSC Network to transfer them. Your Trezor device support BSC but Trezor Suite does not.

To see and interact with the ETH you sent with the BSC Network, you must use MetaMask. There you can send it out to another account, if you want. See further information about MetaMask in this thread.

It’s correct that ETH sent with the Ethernet Network will be visible as ERC-20 tokens in Trezor Suite.

Hi @Petosiris,
thanks a lot for your valuable comment. I found the guideline that you describe above too. But for further understanding - maybe for someone else - I got my money back. At the end I was successful. But my unexpected pain point was, that I could not under any circumstances connect my trezor wallet with MetaMask. I was so pissed, because I tried anything I could except for simply log in even when I inserted (surely right) the PIN code - in that case go to Trezor wallet and in settings dismiss/inactivate your PIN code. It will allow to connect the trezor with MetaMask. Do not enter any seed or password or it will connect you to your hidden wallet and you will have hard time disconnecting it! Just press enter when it will require the password and then you will miraculously show at the Standard Wallet. Then you have to change the chain and import your token and finally - you have arrived in your desired destiny - you have your tokens back :blush:
I almost passed during this proccess. :rofl:

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Your Trezor PIN has nothing to do with MetaMask. It’s only for login to your Trezor device.

Again, your seed for Trezor has nothing to do with MetaMask, nor should you enter it in MetaMask. Please keep you Recovery seed private, safe and secure, and never share it with anyone or anywhere (including online sites like MetaMask).

As for password I guess you mean Trezor Passphrase? If so, that has nothing to do with metaMask either. As with your Recovery seed, you should keep any Passphrase you have assigned to a Hidden wallet private, safe and secure, and never share it.

Note that your Trezor and MetaMask has similar terms of security you should not mix up.

Trezor: PIN             MetaMask: Password
Trezor: Recovery seed   MetaMask: Recovery seed (for MetaMask native Accounts)
Trezor: Passphrase      MetaMask: N/A
Trezor: Address         MetaMask: Address (for MetaMask native Accounts)

If you enter your Trezor Recovery seed or your Hidden wallet’s Passphrase in MetaMask, you’ve compromised your Trezor security and you may lose your funds.

MetaMask Recovery seed is only necessary to recover any native MetaMask accounts, if you use that, not any Trezor connected accounts.

To connect securely and easy to MetaMask:

  • login to your Trezor device (with your PIN, if applied),
  • start Trezor Suite,
  • enter the Wallet you want to work with in Trezor Suite (Standard or Hidden wallet),
  • go to the Account you want to work with in that Wallet in Trezor Suite,
  • start MetaMask and login with your MetaMask Password,
  • select the right Network to work with at the top of MetaMask (for instance, BSC or Ethereum),
  • go to your Trezor connected account in MetaMask, or if first time connect your Trezor to MetaMask
  • MetaMask will now try to connect to your Trezor device and, if successful, the Account you have entered in Trezor Suite,
  • you will see the Address(es) you can use in MetaMask, fetched from your Account in Trezor by MetaMask.

Hi @Tereza740,
It is confusing indeed. We are actively working to simplify the coin recovery process and will have some exciting news to share soon.