Trezor integration / Ronin Wallet / Axie Infinity

Hi Guys,

Has anyone experienced when logging in with Ronin trezor wallet it just goes right back to the log in page again? im really having troubles since yesterday. this is really frustrating…


This was suppppper frustrating, and Trezor CS is God awful… but it turned out I needed to create a marketplace account, then I had all 100 free trades available. It was at 0 for the entire time until I did that.

Again, same issues with no guidance or answers from this wonderful company. It turns out you are either logged into a different passphrase or you entered the wrong passphrase. To fix this, I needed to unplug the Trezor, close down the browser and restart the computer, so I could re-enter the passphrase. How annoying right?

This was my own fix I devised, and it would be SO helpful if there was an easy way to log out of one hidden wallet and into the next. Thanks Trezor for making things so dang difficult =)

Good luck to you.



please note the integration has been done by Ronin / Axie team, not by us. I suggest to provide them the feedback as they are the ones who need to improve any issues with the Trezor - Ronin connectivity.

Thank you for understanding.


Is there anyone can help me to fox my problem? My trezor got updated. After update done i choose wrong section to click which is create new wallet instead to recover wallet. So I decided to go in advance settings to make back up recovery and suddenly is not working. I try to wipe my trezor and put my old seed phrase which what im using before. After setup is done i put my old seed phrase successfully i tried to login on axie infinity marketplace but when im login site the process on trezor not finish which i showed on the video. Can anyone can help me? Im already do all my best. Im already reinstall the trezor suite. Update my firmware unplug and use other USB cord still nothing happen. Please help me.


Any one can help? May ticket id number is 99189


can you help me i just put etherium in my trezor ronin acc using meta mask it is successfuly send in my trezor ronin account but when im checking the balance is still zero morethan 4hrs now it is not coming plss tell me what to do to get back my etherium


same as mine. i feel remorseful, i shouldn’t get all my axies to my trezor

Are you saying you sent Ethereum from your MM to your Trezored Ronin Account?

You do not want to do that. You need to use the Ronin Bridge in order to transfer ethereum to your Ronin Wallet. It is possible your ethereum is lost. Contact Ronin Customer Support. I’m not sure if it can be recovered or not.

Here is the Ronin Bridge.

sir please help me, how to retrieve my pass phrase because I forgot it I use standard wallet…

Please help me retrieve my pass phrase I think I forgot my first pass phrase that I input…

Hi, I just bought a trezor for axie infinity transactions. After I sent my weth in trezor I can send it to another account and I can’t create marketplace account. I checked the ronin address list suddenly the wallet address I used in my trezor is missing. What can I do pls help me.


Thank you for this reply @zapla. I think this is somewhat similar to an issue my friend is experiencing.

After creating a Ronin Wallet for Axie Infinity, a friend of mine connected the Trezor through “Connect Hardware Wallet” function. He was able to get to the part where he can see the 50 wallet addresses.

Now, he sent SLPs from Binance to the #1 wallet address that is listed on Trezor list of 50 wallets. He changed the “ronin:” prefix to “0x” and selected RON as the network. Binance also confirmed that he successfully withdraw the SLPs and sent to that #1 ronin address listed on Trezor .

When he opened up the Ronin wallet on his Chrome extension, there is only 1 account showing up on Ronin Wallet and it was the default Ronin wallet address that was created and generated when he first created his Ronin, but where he sent the SLP is in the Trezor’s #1 ronin wallet address which is not showing along with the other 49 addresses…

He tried to connect Hardware Wallet again but after he entered the PIN, Passphrase and press confirm on the Trezor device, he always get the error message saying “something went wrong, try again.” He also mentioned that there are INACTIVE DEVICES showing up on the screen and it says click to activate, but when he clicks it, he also gets the same error message saying “something went wrong try again.” I hope you have an idea of what is happening.


I answered you on discord, but I’ll answer on here as well. Make sure he has the Trezor bridge running in the background of his computer processes.

hi chavez_patrick
please help me
I have exactly your problem
You can explain to me step by step where to go to solve my problem


Hi, so I have my Ronin Wallet extension all set up nicely. My only issue - there are 2 accounts generated from the Ronin Wallet, not Trezor itself. I want to reinstall to remove those two.

What will happen to my assets if I uninstall and reinstall the extension? My understanding is I will need to reconnect with my Trezor device.

  • Will I be rid completely of the hot wallets which I never want to use?
  • So if we use a96f as my assumed last 4 digits. Entering a blank passphrase as I currently do. a96f will appear in the 50 addresses generated?
  • So as such, will my Axie Adventure levels be maintained? There will be no new address generated, yes?

Extra question - I plan to add a few more Ronin wallets connected to Trezor. Do I have to create them in Trezor Suite? Or do I just add them from any of the 50 addresses that will display in the Ronin Wallet “Connect Hardware Wallet” option?


For staking AXS on Axie via Trezor, Do I have to send AXS from exchange to metamask to ronin bridge to ronin wallet and then import that wallet into trezor?

Is that how it works?


The Ronin wallet successfully connected to my Trezor hidden wallet, but does not show the AXS balance when the Trezor account is chosen when running the Ronin wallet. I suspect this is because the Ronin wallet has prefixed the address with the word Ronin. My hidden Trezor wallet Eth address starts with 0x.

Metamask when synced with my Trezor does show the AXS balance. I have tried my Trezor One and Trezor T. Any ideas?


Since Metamask can display the balance, I think this is a compatibility issue of Ronin wallet.


Thank you for replying. Yes I agree. Although I cannot see other posts anywhere indicating this same problem…I am very frustrated by this and have spent a lot of time trying to solve it since yesterday…I want to stake my AXS tokens with my Axie Infinity account and the Ronin wallet link with the Trezor is the only way to do it, whilst maintaining custody of the AXS tokens…


I had this problem since last night (Dec, 17) I cannot login to Axie Marketplace using Trezor. When I checked I found out that the addresses were different from before. What I should I do?