You guys seems to have broke something in 25.1.2 version update in name of providing support for Solana Token-2022.
I tried different machine, uninstall, re-install & reset of Trezor Suite app, different browsers, but could not get to load my Solana tokens. It give me the below error. I also saw tons of post in Reddit complaining the same.
@Trezor Community - Could you please add to this post if you are seeing the same?
Accounts couldn’t be loaded. If using a VPN, disable it and try again.
Solana: Solana error #8100002; Decode this error by running npx @solana/errors decode -- 8100002 'bWVzc2FnZT1Ub28lMjBNYW55JTIwUmVxdWVzdHMmc3RhdHVzQ29kZT00Mjk='
I am having the same issue. Super frustrating. Sent several email to support but all I get back are self-service read docs that I have already went through. I’ve tried the web version, reset the app multiple times, and reinstalled firmware. Same error keeps coming.
Same issue here. Also not seeing the new update, I clicked “check for updates” and it says “no new updates available” even though I’m on 24.12.3. I’m on a Mac if that helps.
Accounts couldn’t be loaded. If using a VPN, disable it and try again.
Solana: Solana error #8100002; Decode this error by running npx @solana/errors decode -- 8100002 'bWVzc2FnZT1Ub28lMjBNYW55JTIwUmVxdWVzdHMmc3RhdHVzQ29kZT00Mjk='
Same issue here…discovery error, does not show any assets, I’m NOT using a VPN, tried everything, updated firmware, clear cache, custom backend server, factory reset, same error whether I’m on Trezor Suite or the Web application. Nothing helps, let’s go Trezor Team - get this fixed!!
Solana: Solana error #8100002; Decode this error by running npx @solana/errors decode -- 8100002 'bWVzc2FnZT1Ub28lMjBNYW55JTIwUmVxdWVzdHMmc3RhdHVzQ29kZT00Mjk='
Just set up a brand new Trezor safe 3 and Initial Bitcoin wallet creation was fine but when I tried to create a solana wallet got the Discovery Error “Accounts couldn’t be loaded. If using a VPN, disable it and try again.”
Not using a VPN. Just trying to get Solana Wallet setup.
And here’s me, new Safe 5 owner. I did finally get a couple Solana tokens brought-in, on the ONE instance I could display the Solana page without error. But now it’s persistent error, regardless of eject/re-insert, close/re-launch, etc.