Unable to sign Zcash transaction on latest Suite & Firmware. "Unsupported input version v5"

Is anyone else having this problem?

I’m using Suite 22.5.3 and Firmware 2.5.1. I can receive Zcash as usual, but when I try to send it I get a red error message popup that says “Transaction signing error: Unsupported input version v5”. At the moment my Zcash is stuck in my wallet with no way to move it.

There was a Zcash upgrade about two weeks ago. But according to the Trezor Suite github, Suite version 22.5.3 was released 8 days ago and “Fixed compatibility with Zcash Network Upgrade 5”: Release v22.5.3 · trezor/trezor-suite · GitHub. So why am I now unable to sign a Zcash transaction?

Hi, hotfix 22.5.3 was for Zcash update in general (v5 transactions not included). ZEC v5 transactions should come with the Suite 22.6.x

But v5 transactions are already supported in firmware.

Hi - thank you. Is there a time frame for when Suite 22.6.x will be released?

In the meantime is there guidance for how to send Zcash with Trezor until Suite is fixed? For example, if I use my Trezor with a third party wallet that has working Zcash functionality - I believe Exodus does - will it be able to sign transactions on the Zcash wallet addresses that I created in Suite?

I had the same issue then a user on the Trezor reddit page said to try 22.5.3 and that fixed the signing and I was able to initiate a Zcash send to my CB address, however, it’s been 7 days since and 8094 Confirmations and counting so far.
Seems like it is stuck or do I need to keep waiting?
Would 22.6.x fix this somehow?
Any suggestions on what to try?

disregard, transaction finally went through after a little over a week, just had to be a little more patient I guess.

have the same problem! I know how to accept ZEC payment but I can’t send but make a deal. I have written in support so far no one has responded.

Me too, i’m wayting for a reply from support, thanks

This update did not fix the problem. I reaffirm that I have all Trezor software updated.

As per info in the post, it will be updated in 22.6.x version which is not out yet.

The only option is to export private keys into some third party app (not recommended ). The best is to wait until we update Trezor Suite.

@here Suite is update including v5 transactions: