Hey all, new Trezor user here and I’ve been having a hard time with getting a stable connection to the Trezor Safe 5 device using the Trezor Suite. The connection seemed to only work for the first minute or so after restarting my PC.
After a bunch of troubleshooting I tracked it down to the startup apps and found that the issue would start to occur whenever I launched my GoXLR app/GoXLR Control Panel. I’m not sure what the app is doing to lead to this so I figured I’d swing this wider here in case someone may have an idea what’s going on and/or try to repro this issue on another machine.
The app and driver I used can be downloaded from the tc-helicon website
GoXLR App 1.6.4 2024-06-25
GoXLR Audio Driver 5.57 2023-12-21
Either way I’m hoping that this may help someone else who happens to use a GoXLR and is running into a similar issue. I would raise the issue to TC Helicon, but it’s my understanding the software is at its end-of-life so I assume this will never be addressed.