Transaction stuck in pending

My Transaction is stuck in pending, what should I do?

If you have sent a transaction, you may see a note that says unconfirmed transaction or confirmations: 0/6. This usually means you have set the transaction fee too low and will have to wait for the queue of transactions to be cleared or for the transaction to be rejected. This is nothing to worry about: as long as you send your coins to a valid address, they will either be processed as intended or sent back to you.

Why didn’t my transaction go through?

Bitcoin transactions take time to be processed because they have to be selected from the mempool and added to the blockchain by miners. Usually, miners will choose transactions that have been allocated the highest fee first. The fee is designed to prevent people from spamming the network with thousands of low-value transactions, and is seen as a reward for miners’ role in securing the network.

While transactions are almost always processed according to priority, based on the fee amount (satoshis paid per byte of data), even transactions with no fee allocated can sometimes be confirmed. Usually, however, they will be left in the mempool for a few days before being returned to the sending address.

While you cannot cancel a transaction, it should be sufficient to wait a few days and see if the money is returned to you or processed. If you are unsure whether you sent to the correct address, you should check the format according to this list of acceptable bitcoin addresses.

There is a possibility to speed up the transaction using the Replace by fee feature

If you want to learn more about this feature, refer to the Replace by fee.

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my USDT transaction is stuck.

a) “Bump” does not work since it says “not enough funds” what is wrong, because I have plenty of eth.
b) Then I tried to replace the stuck transaction with a new transaction with the lowest nonce by sending 0 eth (and I tried with 0 USDT) to the trezor by using a high gas fee + a priority fee according to that support video
But that transaction now stuck in Metamask. Lol
c) What can I do?


my USDT transaction is stuck.

a) “Bump” does not work since it says “not enough funds” what is wrong, because I have plenty of eth.
b) Then I tried to replace the stuck transaction with a new transaction with the lowest nonce by sending 0 eth (and I tried with 0 USDT) to the trezor by using a high gas fee + a priority fee according to that support video
But that transaction now stuck in Metamask. Lol
c) What can I do?


Please do not post about the same issue in multiple threads. Thank you!

@vamonosrafa Are you on the latest version of suite?

sure. off course, yes

What kind of support forum is this where you for days don’t get any answer and you have to post in multiple threads to get an answer?

And then you get a warning from a “distinguished” user.
What is this by the way?

Thanks, this is odd because bumping has been fixed recently.

What is even more odd MetaMask is usually the way to get around this.

How many stuck transactions do you have?

Also, I guess you follow all the steps here? How to speed up or cancel ETH transaction with Trezor - YouTube

If you want official support, then the best way is to make a ticket and receive a reply from Community Support personnel. Otherwise you may get an answer from other users in the forum, like me.

And posting about the same issue in multiple threads doesn’t help you get an answer faster, quite the contrary.

I, and others like me, are helping the official Community Support personnel to tidy up the forums so they don’t have to use so much time on that task, when they could use that time to answer people’s questions instead.

Yes, I already contacted Trezor through that forum (in this post) and directly by email.
But as usual they take a long time.
Anyways, thanks for your help!

I just updated the Suite and could now bumped the “pending” transaction and all pending records in Suite and in Metamask are gone!

But that experience remained weird.

a) Why did it not work sending 0 ETH to the same address? (instead a new stuck transactions where created in Metamask.)
b) Why couldn’t I speed up the stuck metamask transaction? (Instead a new recors was shown in the Metamask; see attachment)

c) What records can I trust?

  • etherscan?
  • metamask?
  • suite?

d) Both records from the suite were shown in etherscan, but none of the stuck transactions in Metamask, why?

e) Shouldn’t one use better only Metamask to send ERC20 token from the trezor?

f) Would these stuck transaction be released by itself after a certain time, because no validator will pick it? Or would I have to wait until the end of time to get access to my assets?

I would appreciate, if someone could answer these question, because I really need to understand the process.


If you had an old version of suite, sounds like you experienced the bug that was mentioned. As for MetaMask… can’t really comment.

It’s personal preference. MetaMask tends to only show recent questions.

Can’t answer questions about how MetaMask displays transactions, so I am only guessing: the fee was too low, so it fell out of the mempool.

It’s your preference.

AFAIK there is no certain time. If you reuse the nonce, it will be removed immediately.

ok, thanks.
But is there no ressource that explains how the whole process works no matter if you use suite, metamask or anything else)?

Since something is pending - whether in Suite or Metamask - that indicates to me that it depends on the writing on the ethereum chain and sould not relate to a propriate software issue Suite or Metamask)?
Isn’t it.
I find it highly unsatisfiying and unsecure to make a payment transaction nobody really knows how it works and can explain why my transactions in Metamask were stuck (for the Suite we know that is a bug).

I have 3xUSDT transactions that are in pending that I tried to send this morning - it has now been 4 hours.
I haven’t updated the Trezor suite to the latest version. Could anything bad happen if I update the Trezor suite? I am scared to do this in case something happens to the pending transactions…but reading through this thread it seems as if there may have been a bug that has fixed the pending transactions in the latest update?
I am also scared to try the metamask thing as I haven’t connected this wallet to Metamask before and am worried that if I do, the transactions may get lost?

Am I being overly paranoid to do the update? Or should I just wait and see if the transactions cancel themselves (this has happened once before, about a year ago).

Thank you for your help and I look forward to a response :slight_smile:

No, transactions – regardless of status – won’t be affected by updating Trezor Suite. The coins and tokens go to the blockchains and are stored there, not in your Trezor device.

But personally, I’d wait to update Trezor Suite until the pending transaction is completed, because of status messages to Suite. If you don’t have to update Suite then you may want to wait until what you’re currently doing is done.

No, you can safely connect Metamask (MM) to your Trezor, but please wait with that until you’ve read about MM and know how it works and know what you’re doing. Most of the MM support in this forum are because people engage with MM before they know it properly. Always educate yourself before doing anything with your money.

The transactions ended up going through in the end, so i’ll update everything now.

Thank you so much for your timely and informative response :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: Transaction stuck with pending status