Bitcoin Only --> All Coins. Firmware change

Hello guys!

Sorry if this is a wrong category to post, I was just unable to create a topic in Technical Issues section. Feel free to move it there.

I connected my new Trezor One to Trezor Suite on Tails OS (took me two days to figure out how to do it…) and during the initial set-up phase I bumped into an error while downloading a firmware update (probably because of the Tor connection or so).

The only way to solve it was to find the firmware online and install it manually. I did it successfully, however the only one I found was ‘Bitcoin Only’ firmware.

My question is: is it possible to change the ‘Bitcoin Only’ firmware to ‘All Coins’ standard one? Maybe there is a way to download it somewhere and install manually via Terminal commands?

Besides, is there any risk of losing my currency or access to my wallet after the firmware change?

Model: Trezor One
Firmware version: 1.10.2
Software: Tails OS (Linux Debian)

Thank you!

You should be able to use command trezorctl firmware-update to install the latest all-coins firmware. You can switch between Bitcoin-only and all-coin at any time.

I have the same problem.

This command does not work with Linux for me.

Is there any alternative way to solve it with MAC? Maybe there is a MAC terminal command or just any download link to download and install the firmware? I tried updating it via Trezor Suite, bet update still comes for bitcoin-only firmware.


Hi @Stormtrooper1

Please, make sure you follow these instructions properly:

If you are having troubles with trezorctl, please use the Trezor Wallet interface instead to install custom fw.