Wipe device without PIN code (Safe 5)

With Trezorctl I can pass some commands to the Trezor One and it will respond to them without entering a PIN code. But Safe 5 requires that the correct PIN code be entered first so that the device can respond to the commands sent.

If I have set up Safe 5 device and set PIN code which I forgot, and also I have not set Wipe code, then this could be a problem for quickly wiping the device if I wanted to do that.

The problem is that Safe 5 locks itself completely and there is nothing you can do except go through all 15 attempts to enter the wrong PIN, which can be extremely frustrating.

Maybe I don’t know this, but tell me: is it possible to quickly erase Safe 5 if I don’t know the PIN code and don’t know or haven’t set the Wipe code?

Please add this feature at least to Trezorctl if possible.

go to bootloader menu and wipe from there

swipe your finger randomly over the screen right as you are connecting the cable. you’ll see what to do from there

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Thank you very much! I should read more documentation. :slightly_smiling_face: