Where can I buy Trezor products?

Trezor devices and accessories are available worldwide. It is always recommended to buy directly from the official Trezor Shop where possible.

In some cases, such as Brazil, customs duties are extremely expensive and therefore it is better to use a trusted local reseller from the list linked below.

Only buy your Trezor hardware wallets from one of the following sources:

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Is billfodl.com an authorised reseller?

It doesn’t sound familiar. Please, check the list of official resellers, available from our website https://trezor.io/resellers/

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Loking in the adress trezor.io/resellers/ i saw the official shop www.thecryptomerchant.com, but in Brazil there is a www.thecryptomerchantsa.com, plus two letters sa in the end of adress; and the site similar .

IS this adress in Brazil official?

Hi @iggorlbs,

I can confirm that www.thecryptomerchantsa.com is the official reseller. It is part of The Crypto Merchant eshop for South America (therefore the two letters “sa”)

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