Wallet on the TRC-20 networK

If I have USDT stored in my wallet on the TRC-20 network, how can I acquire TRX for gas using the stored USDT? I appreciate your response in advance. Note: I am aware that Trezor does not support TRON.

the USDT can’t be on the TRC-20 network and the account be held by the trezor. Tron and thus in turn TRC-20 tokens are completely unsupported on trezors.

a ‘wallet on the TRC-20 network’ is by definition a tron wallet, so unsupported by trezors.
Hope that clears that up.

I am aware that Trezor does not support TRC-20, but since I have them in another cold wallet that does support them, I made the clarification and my question is: How can I acquire TRX for transaction fees using the USDT stored in TRC-20?"

this is not related to Trezor…But I would suggest any exchange.