Trezor-T Unable to Connect to Exodus | Bridge

Dear community,

For my Windows 11 I tried during this week to follow the YT video: watch?v=H4zSM9_8nMk and below I keep getting the following:

I tried the WebUSB via Chrome, I tried the Bridge HTTP Standalone, and I also installed the Trezor Binary app…Regardless the combination and workarounds nothing helped in the end. Yes, in the Trezor Bridge status I did not see nothing abnormal. I always getting mainly GET 200 statuses.

We know that Exodus team will launch a new Desktop App version scheduled for September 9th but until then, is there anything else I could do? I already (un-)re-install Trezor Suite, Exodus Desktop App and Bridge and also did not help with anything.

Thanks in advance for any input and best regards :slight_smile:

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