Trezor suite lite and Suite web balance mismatch

You might just read the official Trezor explanation:

Discover existing assets with transaction history: After you’ve unlocked your Trezor, the app will automatically discover your active accounts (i.e. those with a transaction history) for all supported coins.

This works only for the regular wallet, not for hidden wallets.

I find that hard to believe, but maybe I’m wrong because I don’t use the “hidden wallet” feature. But does a hidden wallet not have a XPUB? Or does Tresor not show this when that feature is used?

Get yourself educated about Bitcoin. If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.

App will not discover your hidden wallet, but you can indeed import your hidden wallet xpub into watch only only mode if you want to.

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Please do not confuse wallet with account in Trezor’s terminology. There is no wallet xpub. Only the separate accounts in the Trezor wallet have a xpub each.

“In Trezor Suite users can create 10 accounts (of each type available) per cryptocurrency. This is a practical limitation that helps decrease the load on the SatoshiLabs servers—the number of accounts supported by your Trezor is in fact not limited. A new account can only be added if the preceding account is not empty.”

Yes, and a hidden wallet is a separate one, hence it has its own accounts and xpubs which you can add, just not by connecting the device.


Yeah, I thought this was the case. Thank you for clarifying it.

@Bored I just said the same thing as @forgi here, so you seem to be wrong.

@Bored And this is called a watch-only wallet when you do that, so you can see the funds and only receive. (Watch only wallets can still generate a receive address, just not sent address (because they need the private key for this)).

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I fully agree, @forgi With the regular wallet, the lite app automatically adds all new addresses for a read-only view. For the hidden wallets, it is necessary to manually add each and every new account xpub. Therefore, it is very welcome that Trezor is in the process of adding hidden wallet functionality to its lite app.

Thank you @forgi for your kind confirmation. Understanding the difference is more than a formal aspect.

@Remzi :slight_smile:

The normal wallets and the hidden wallets are exactly the same if you want Trezor Suite Lite to remember them and see the balances without needing the Trezor device. I needed to add BTC XPUB and all the other coins separately on my normal wallet too.

How do I know this? Because I just did that a couple of months ago and previous week I helped a friend by doing the same with her mobile app. So, normal wallets and hidden wallets are exactly the same in that regard. The only except seems to be connecting the Trezor device and being able to sign transactions on mobile.

Your earlier remark here seems to be unnecessary especially if you’re not 100% sure yourself. Please refrain from doing so in the future especially if you’re assuming too. I’m always open to learn but I know how Trezor devices and the basic technical aspects of cryptography (private and public keys) work.

And anything/any type of wallet that exposes BTC XPUB (master public key) or public keys (basically what receive addresses are like, for example ETH - which don’t generate separate receive addresses for every transaction like BTC) will work to check the balances. That’s how public keys work.

Hi @Remzi ! Keep cool. My comment was just a quote of a statement made by Satoshi Nakamoto. Most here easily understood that. It was not an insult to you. I did not read the rest of your long comment. Good luck with your studies!

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No problem, it’s okay​:+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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