Trezor Password Manager Alternative

Hi all! Unfortunately, Trezor Password Manager ends June 2023, but I want to let you know about an alternative password manager that supports the Trezor hardware wallet.


KeePass2Trezor plugin:
Check all requirements and plugin description on github.

Now you don’t need for browser extension, dropbox account, etc.
Only offline KeePass + KeePass2Trezor plugin and your .kdbx database will be encrypted/decrypted only by your Trezor device with uniquie key. It will ask for device pin and confirmation to decrypt the database.

You can also migrate Trezor .csv file to KeePass in LastPass format or set csv parameters manually. If you have notes in your database then they will be recognized as a newline and will not be successfully imported, so you may need to manually create a new KeePass database.