Trezor Hardware account linked to Metamask not sending funds to other address/wallet

The same exact thing is happening to me!!! I can send crypto to my trezor MM account but it wont let me send it anywhere! I’ve been trying and it tells me it is an invalid PIN, then keeps adding seconds on every time I try!!! Last time it was 8000 seconds!!! 2 f-ing hours​:man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

Here is my ticket
ID: 106498

Hi @Datt, we replied to your ticket, please check your mailbox.

Hi - I have the same issue. do we have a solution?

My Metamask is linked with Trezor and I can see my coins on Metamask Suite but I also cannot send coins out. and Metamask Suite doesn’t display my tokens.

I tried mounting the Metamask hardware to a ne computer with metamask freshly installed and it dhoesn’t show the coins I have on my trzor1/Metamask on my other computer.

Metemask crashes each time I try to send from my trezor1 wallet.

Please help.

Hi, I have the probably the same issue. The steps I done:

  1. I installed the new Trezor model T and created standard wallet and backup
  2. I connected it to MataMask - ETH address is 0x1C0…B663
  3. Then I “played” in the Trezor Suite - enable passphase and then disable it again
  4. Suddenly I cannot sign/verify messages neither confirm transfers - I got “Transaction failed! Error: unknown address”
  5. I realized that ETH address in my standard account in Trezor Suite was changed to 0xC2A…b488.
  6. If I try to connect my Trezor to MetaMask on different browser, I couldn’t fint address 0x1C0…B663 and on the fist place was address 0xC2A…b488.
  7. I tried to Wipe memory in Trezor Suite and recover my wallet from the seed, but again I just see 0xC2A…b488 address and not the 0x1C0…B663 address where I have my funds.

I am not sure what happened. Could anybody help?

I have found the answer in the following thread:

Hi, could you please clarify what you mean by that as Metamask and Suite are two different interfaces ?

However the bottom line is that you have to use appropriate private keys (derived from/represented by your recovery seed and passphrase - if enabled).

Hi Mate,
Same was happening to me, you have to open the app and try to remember the password you used when you set it up for the first time! I though I was writing the same password but then I remembered that I used another similar password and I managed to open that account again. Once you open it in the app and it is the same ETH address as the one you have in metamask when you connected to metamask the first time then you will recover the address! If you write a password and it is different even just one letter when you open it in the app it will open a different address everytime! the problem is the password! you need to remember it! Once the ETH address is the same as the one from trezor in metamask then you will be able to take the funds out of it!


Did you receive a reply from Community support on your

Ticket ID 104663?

Do you mean the passphrase?
I just leave it blank. Trezor didn’t ask for any password.

this is the same issue, It doesn’t ask for any password.
I leave the passphrase blank too.

One solution was to downgrade MM but I haven’t done that yet since I don’t want to loose the account and possibly loose the funds until I get a better solution.


Ok, but if you are in contact with Community Support through your Ticket then you’re in good hands. Talk to them on email and good luck! :+1:

I just reset my MM and now I am unable to retrieve that Trezor linked hardware account with MM.
When I choose ‘connect hardware wallet’ I can’t find the previous address of that particular one with ETH in it.

yes! PassPharase! for some reason I forgot I had another PassPhrase and once I tried a couple of them I opened the same address I used to link it to Metamask. (that’s the tricky thing about Trezor! every time you plug in your Trezor and insert your PassPharse it will open like normal even if you put in a different PassPhrase and you don’t release that is not the same address you open) but I don’t know what happens when you reset your Trezor, maybe you lose those addresses and get new ones. hopefully, you could recover yours mate!


Please communicate this through email on your Ticket.

Hello any updates here? I have also the same problem as you. The only difference is I did not transfer fund to Trezor suite. My ETH is stuck up in Metamask for 3 days now. I contacted Trezor and gave me a ticket. Hoping for their response. I do not know how I could get my funds stuck there


I also have this same issue. I think I just realized why. I setup my trezor, connected it to metamask, then in MM clicked connect hardware wallet. Then it will ask you to pick a Wallet address, in which you are supposed to pick the same address that is listed in Trezor suite when you set up your trezor. But I didnt, i must have selected a different wallet address on the metamask list. So im trying to send funds out of my trezor using mm but its just stuck loading like the others here. I also didnt select a pass phrase or hidden wallet on the trezor suite. But I might have selected one during the metamask connect hardware wallet set up. What can I do to fix this?

Dude I have the same issue. and followed the same process, any solutions yet? I am trying to buy NFTs on opensea but when I sign the transaction it just goes to opensea loading page and never loads.

I also have the same problem and as I can see Trezor didn’t solved anyones problem yet?
I also sent them an emai, but didn’t receive a ticket number, is there a specific page where I can submit my issue and get a ticket?

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