Trezor Address...What is it and where do I find it?

So if I understand this correctly, I can sell my Bitcoin through Trezor without using Metamask.

Yes, you can use Trezor Suite to sell cryptocurrencies. However, keep in mind that you can only sell cryptocurrencies that are natively supported there. If 3rd party app needs to be used for the cryptocurrencies, it is not possible to sell these directly in Trezor Suite (for example NFTs are supported only via 3rd party wallet → it is not possible to sell them directly in Trezor Suite.

I will need to create an account on MetaMask and a wallet on the Ethereum blockchain so the OilX coin which is an NFT can be deposited into my wallet (when it is ready) on the Ethereum blockchain which can then be moved to my Trezor wallet.

Yes, if it is NFT on ETH network you will need to use 3rd party wallet (for example MetaMask) in order to store these NFTs with Trezor.

Again, thank you all for your help and support!!! This has been a nightmare of an experience as I was hounded into buying Bitcoin from this individual. This person set me up with a wallet on the Voyager platform and within 4 weeks I received notice that they were filing Chapter 11 and all investments were frozen. The individual who invested my money in Bitcoin was arrested and sent to prison a few weeks later so I was left in the dark not knowing what to do. So please know I sincerely appreciate all of you for responding to my question for help!

I’m sorry to read that. That is why it is important to keep BTC in self-custody using Trezor and also be able to purchase it directly by yourself (for example via exchange or Bitcoin ATM)

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Yes, I know that now thanks to all of you…but unfortunately I didn’t know that back then because I knew nothing about crypto. A small portion of the investment money was finally returned to me in Bitcoin so it is in my Trezor wallet. Just trying to decide what to do with it. I am not sure whether to hang on to it, sell it, or possibly purchase Monero with it. Exploring options at this point.

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