Transaction Expired Block height Exceeded Error when trying to send USDC with Solana Network

So yeah as the title suggests I keep getting TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError whenever sending out USDC on the Solana network. Its very annoying and Im wondering whats causing the issue. Is it network congestion? I sign the transaction on my hardware fast so its not that. Ive also seen another odd issue of Trezor Suite asking me to put a hidden wallet phrase when trying to send usdc when i literally never used one and only have stuff stored on my standard wallets.

To be clear i am updated on latest firmware and software and the transaction does go through if i keep trying and waiting i just want to know for peace of mind what the issue is and if its fixable with an update or something

If anyone who has knowledge on the matter from a Dev or Support I would greatly appriciate it as i dont have this issue on other wallets but i much rather use my trezor at all time if possible lol

I was having the same issue. You just need to be very fast while completing all the steps to send the transaction. That’s how I solved the problem.

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