Где мой трезор?

a month has passed since the date of payment, the trezor was sent but it is not clear where, even to the country of destination it did not reach. and where is he?

Invoice date: 2021-10-03
Due date: 2021-10-03
Date of taxable supply: 2021-10-03
Payments: P21100300007
Order token: E21DmsuQxigFghx9h5BWw5S5ADdCwA
Tracking number: RR950743969CZ
Country of origin: Czech Republic, EU
Harmonized code: 847180
Description Qty Unit price Total

Trezor Model T 1 164.00 164.00
Standard shipping 1 9.00 9.00
TOTAL Currency: EUR 173.00
Value of goods for customs declaration: EUR 173.00|

Hi @valentin
Could you please submit a request using this form and get back to me here with a ticket ID ?
Thank you.

Ticket ID: 104965

Thank you, your ticket has been answered.

Hello. You have not sent me the track number with the re-sending of the Trezor.

your tracking number has been provided.