Terra.money integration


I’ve already saw in the forums the Terra.money network integration is not planned. But I’m sure I’m not the only one wondering when that will happen. Terra is having immense growth and the only thing keeping me from using is that the chain is not supported by Trezor. I don’t want to buy Ledger and re-design my security protocol, just for Terra, as I dig the Shamir and other features of Trezor - I think it is THE best hard wallet out there.

So, anyone else that has my point of view? How and what can we do to support the integration? Can the Trezor be used with Terra Station wallet?

At the moment we have many projects with high priority. But we are working on a new approach towards adding new coins to Trezor that should ease off and speed up the process. Stay tuned for more info.

Thanks for getting back - appreciate it. Will do it! :pray:

Does ledger support Terra ?
Any ETA on Terra support for Trezor… it’s been forever… It’s not on “Suite” roadmap… Where’s you “device” roadmap ?


I’m not aware of any roadmaps for devices, but here’s the current roadmap for April 20.

As for your other question about Terra support for Trezor, see forgi’s message above.