Solana staking on third party wallets

What options are there right now for staking solana?

I see that there is an option to connect the trezor to exodus wallet and then stake there. But exodus sucks there IMO because as far as I understand it they delegate the stake to one validator.

Solaflare is fantastic there because we can choose which validators to use and really distribute our sol across multiple validators.

Are there plans to integrate with Solflare in the future?

I think that it is impossible to stake Solana kept on Trezor via Exodus wallet. Exodus desktop client has Trezor integration but it doesn’t support Solana on Trezor as of now (version 21.1.1). This is disclosed in the Assets section of Exodus wallet once you pair Trezor with it (the column for Trezor is not ticked). Maybe there is another way which I am not aware of.

Metamask has a Solflare snap so you can access Solana network via Metamask but I don’t know if it would work with Trezor (haven’t tried that yet).

According to Trezor this are the supported 3rd party apps:

Electrum, Exodus, Metamask, MyEtherWallet, MyCrypto

I am not sure if any of those support Solana network directly without any 3rd party addons/snaps. I haven’t tried to stake Solana this way yet.

I think there are a bunch of alternative HW wallets out there that work with many more 3rd party wallet providers that makes altcoin staking and safekeeping much easier than Trezor does. But I feel like Trezor has a great security record.

I am looking into Keystone right now cuz I need a better HW wallet in terms of usability for a variety of altcoins.

I’ve checked today, the MM Solflare snap doesn’t work with Trezor, probably because the MM Trezor integration relies on ETH signing.

If anyone who reads this post finds a way of staking Solana via any of the 3rd party apps compatible with Trezor, I’d really appreciate if you let me know. It looks like for the time being Trezor can be used to only store Solana, hopefully the team will add staking functionality in the future, like they did for Cardano.

Look into the Nufi Wallet, they are Solana-native and have Trezor integration.


Thanks for reminding me about this wallet!

Hey man thanks for your response. Yeah the ledger integrates with solflare, so maybe its worth getting that too

they also allow you to choose a validator, pretty nice. is their code open source?