Sent Litecoin to Bitcoin adress ▫

Ok, thank you for the explanation. The thing is there is no reply in the ticket, so it seems the message never reached us. I will mark it down to the ticket so Pavel can get back to you.

Alright, thank you very much.

Hi @David_River

Please, check your mailbox, and reach back if needed.

Hello Pavel,

since I’m not sure if my message arrive via email, I will reply here. First thank you for good news and description how to get LTC back.

Still there is another issue which occured during FW downgrade, as you can see, Trezor cannot be used now, and that was actually the reason why I created the ticket in the first place (according to advice from Kolin).


Is there any way I can revive Trezor after unsucessful FW downgrade or I have to buy a new one?

Thank you.

If you get this error, then please;

  1. Update FW back to 1.10.0 to troubleshoot the bootloader issue.
  2. Next, update to 1.10.1.
  3. Then, pair your Trezor device with Trezor Suite, and turn off Safety checks. Settings - Device - Safety checks - Edit: Prompt
  4. Finally, follow instructions previously sent. Since Litecoin is a fork of Bitcoin, it uses the same format of public keys. It is possible to access a Bitcoin address on the Litecoin network by choosing a specific derivation path.

Ok, I finally got the LTC back in my wallet! Thank you very much for cooperation. We can close this topic as solved now, and possibly to write the solution again (without FW downgrade step since it is not necessary anymore).

Plus it will be handy to write new topic or instruction how to enter to bootloader and upgrade FW (in case someone will experience unsuccesful FW downgrade same as me).

Once again thank you for cooperation.

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Perfect, then. Noted. Thanks for letting us know.

Please, don’t forget to set Safety checks to Strict again
Settings - Device - Safety checks - Edit: Strict

Yes, it’s also done. As far as I understand, safety checks turning on automatically after disconnection of Trezor, but not sure about that.


I have the same issue. Sent LTC to BTC address starting with a 3.

Just to let you know I am currently running firmware 1.10.2 and did not have electrum setup yet.

Not sure if the firmware version and not having electrum already set up is an issue. Please let me know.


From the firmware versions 1.9.2 and 2.3.2 (model T) it is not possible to proceed without setting a safety check level. Use trezorctl with the command trezorctl set safety-checks prompt or go to settings in Trezor Suite.