Safety issue on Daily Driver Lapton

Hi everyone,

How safe is it to use trezor suite on your daily driver laptop. I have a segregated laptop specifically for my trezor but I was just wondering if by logging into trezor app on a pc I use everyday if there’s any risks.

I know to avoid phishing emails and to never put in your seed when asked through email and never put your seed without myself prompting it on the device.

Just curious.



You can use your Trezor device on any computer (even public ones). Your private keys are always safely stored offline in the Trezor device and never leave it.

I know to avoid phishing emails and to never put in your seed when asked through email and never put your seed without myself prompting it on the device.

Exactly! Compromising of your recovery seed is the only way how your funds can be stolen. Remember to never share your recovery seed.

Great thanks! I have always kept a separate laptop for my trezor, but I remember testing a T1 long ago on a malware infested pc and the btc did not leave.
