QNT doesnt appear on trezor suite

Dear all, hope you are fine, in my model T, doesnt appears QNT on trezor suite:

Hi @fscabrera03,

There are several types of supported coins. You can find information on various types of coins and tokens supported by Trezor devices in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-3XRO5u8kc&t=1s.

Quant (QNT) is ERC20 token and is natively supported in Trezor Suite as every other ERC20 token, which is built on top of the Ethereum network and uses Ethereum addresses. Information on how to use ERC20 tokens in Trezor Suite can be found at https://trezor.io/learn/a/ethereum-erc-20-tokens-on-trezor