PIN vs Passphrase (and Hidden Wallet) Confusion?

Newbie that is confused.

When I set-up the device I created a numeric PIN, I think. I need to enter this number every time I connect the trezor. I also need to enter this same number when I open the Exodus app in order for the app to recognize the trezor.

I only created a standard wallet yet in device settings it shows both PIN and Passphrase toggled on.

Can someone explain the difference between the PIN I need to enter each time vs a Passphrase? Is a passphrase only necessary when setting up a hidden wallet?


I do not recommend using a standard wallet
The purpose of pin is to ensure the safety of the device. For example, if you put trezor on the table, if there is no pin, anyone who gets your trezor can log in to your wallet.
The meaning of passphrase is to prevent your seed from being leaked or you are threatened. If someone who happens to be able to guess your pin gets your device, or your device falls into the hands of a hacker who can extract 12words, or you are duressed.
The seed phrase itself is actually stored in trezor, and a powerful hacker can bypass the pin and extract it after getting the device. However, the passphrase is not stored in the device, but only participates in the operation of generating the sub-wallet.
When you are threatened to transfer coins to him, enter a wallet with only a few coins and transfer the coins to him. The money in other hidden wallets is still safe. Because there are countless combinations of passphrase, so your hidden wallets are also countless, so the looters can’t know how many hidden wallets you have.
Remember, be sure to back up the passphrase just like backing up the seedphrase!

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And if the suite is applicable, I do not recommend using a third-party wallet. The eth wallet generated by the third-party wallet may be different from the eth wallet generated by the suite wallet. I saw this problem in other posts.

Thank you - can I follow up with a few questions to make sure I understand:

  • the PIN is a security code for the hardware wallet (device) - preventing people from just plugging it in and being able to see the contents, is that correct?

  • passphrases are a security codes for hidden wallets, is that correct?

  • with just a standard wallet, like I only have now, with just entering the device PIN you can gain access to the standard wallet; but, with a hidden wallet, you would need to have both the PIN (for access to the device) and a passphrase (for access to the hidden wallet), is that correct?

  • how to you backup passphrases? Is it just a written down paper copy of the passphrase, like you do with your seed words?

  1. pin understanding is right
  2. It’s okay to understand this way, passphrases is equivalent to the 25th seedphrases, and the hidden wallet is generated by adding 24 seedphrases plus passphrases
  3. This understanding is completely correct
  4. I use steganography to edit the content that needs to be backed up into pictures and other files, then use an offline computer to burn it into a CD, and place it in multiple houses.

Ok thank you again. One more thing please.

I created a hidden wallet and created a passphrase for it. When is this passphrase needed? It isn’t needed to access the trezor wallet as still only the PIN is necessary to see the hidden wallet along with the standard wallet. This confuses me in that the wallet isn’t hidden - so how is it considered hidden?

Also assume this passphrase is only needed along with the 12 seed words to recover the wallet, is that correct?

You can think of it this way. After you set up trezor, you don’t have a wallet, you have countless wallets!
After you enter the pin, when you enter any passphrase, you will enter a new wallet.
For example, if you enter John, you enter a wallet 1, you enter 123, you enter another wallet 2, and you don’t enter anything, just press the Enter key to enter wallet 3.
But everyone knows the existence of wallet 3, so wallet 3 is called standard wallet
In addition to wallet 3, the corresponding passphrase is required to enter other wallets
Can you understand if I explain it this way?

No unfortunately.

My questions is: after I created this second wallet (a hidden wallet creating a passphrase), I then disconnect the trezor from my computer. Then I reconnected it and it just asked for my PIN - not the PIN and passphrase. I entered the PIN and opened the Trezor Suite app and see both my standard wallet and hidden wallet. So my question is: how is this hidden wallet hidden. I see it just like my standard wallet without having to enter the passphrase.

Note: I have passphrase enabled in device settings. But I am not being asked for this newly created passphrase to access the hidden wallet. Something is wrong.

No error occurred.
Because you chose to remember this wallet, the suite remembers this wallet through your public key.
Although you can still see this wallet after you disconnect the Trezor link, you must enter pin and passphrase at the same time when you want to send coins or display the receiving address of a certain coin.
If you do not choose to remember your wallet, then every time you enter the suite and choose to add a hidden wallet, you need to enter pin and passphrase to enter this wallet.
Remember that this function of the wallet is actually to prevent novices from making mistakes and causing coins to be lost, because novices often do not verify whether the hidden wallet you enter is the hidden wallet you want to use. And it reduces the trouble of repeatedly adding erc20 tokens.
To be precise, you did not create this hidden wallet, you just used this hidden wallet.

For example, the passphrase I entered is ilikeAlice
My first btc receiving address is
If I use the web version of the suite, I accidentally entered ilikealice, and the first btc receiving address of the wallet I entered is
This is another wallet altogether.
If you are a novice, it is easy to mistakenly think that you have used the correct passphrase, which leads to how you can’t find the coins transferred to the ilikealice wallet.
So whenever you use an empty hidden wallet, be sure to double-check whether the passphrase is correct.

Ok so you need to toggle the remember switch next to a hidden wallet to prevent if from showing. And then when you want to make it re-appear you create a new wallet but use the same passcode when you created the hidden wallet. Is this correct?

Your probably mean is right.
But note that you are not creating a hidden wallet, you are just accessing a hidden wallet.
When you first generated mnemonic words for trezor, you had already created countless hidden wallets!

Eu creio, que aconteceu essa situação comigo. Porque não, consigo ver meu saldo e movimentação, o que você pode me sugerir para eu conseguir resolver este problema…:flushed::disappointed_relieved:
Aguardo seu Retorno
(Se você for um novato, é fácil pensar erroneamente que você usou a senha longa correta, o que leva a como você não consegue encontrar as moedas transferidas para a carteira ilikealice. Portanto, sempre que você usar uma carteira oculta vazia, certifique-se de verificar se a senha está correta)

Translated by Petosiris in Google Translate:

I believe that this situation happened to me. Why not, I can see my balance and movement, what can you suggest for me to solve this problem…:flushed::disappointed_relieved:
I await your return
(If you’re a newbie, it’s easy to mistakenly think you used the correct long password, which leads to how you can’t find the coins transferred to the ilikealice wallet. So whenever you use an empty hidden wallet, make sure to verify that the password is correct)


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Amigo, venho agradecer após analisar o seu comentário busquei utilizar senhas de uso diários. O qual tive sucesso em ter acesso na minha carteira, que já meses tentando. Sempre buscando logico em Deus, para ter a devida paciência em tudo que buscamos! Obrigado…:pray::+1::+1:

Translated by Petosiris:

Friend, I come to thank you after analyzing your comment I tried to use passwords for daily use. Which I was successful in gaining access to my wallet, which I’ve been trying for months. Always looking for logic in God, to have due patience in everything we seek! Thanks… :pray::+1::+1:

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