Pali Wallet + Trezor and hidden address

Hello Everyone,

I am having trouble opening my Trezor Address in the Pali Wallet, the syscoin address does not appear in the hidden address list (using my respective passphrase), I have a year of not connecting Pali Wallet with my Trezor, could someone share step by step how I should reconnect or find SYScoin Address in my Trezor; Also when I try, Pali Wallet sometimes does not detect the Trezor - it does not open a screen to choose syscoin addresses. I even opened my account in another wallet using the seed phrase, but I don’t get the Syscoin Adress either.

Hi @JJM,

In case you can’t see your address in the list of addresses when connecting Trezor, you are connecting a different wallet to the Pali wallet extension. Either you have a different recovery seed in your Trezor or you use a different passphrase.

You can check that the recovery seed stored in your Trezor device matches your recovery seed backup:

for Trezor Model One:
for Trezor Model T:

In case recovery seed in your device matches your recovery seed backup, the only way how to access a different wallet (with different addresses) is with a different passphrase.

Generally, when the same recovery seed is used and the same passphrase is entered, the same wallet (with the same set of addresses) is accessed. There is no exception, the public-key cryptography ensures it generates always the same result.

Currently, there are some issues with the connection of Trezor to the Pali wallet. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it as this issue needs to be solved by the Pali Wallet development team.

Alternatively, you can use Electrum Syscoin Wallet which can be downloaded here: Release Electrumsys 1.0.0 Release · syscoin/electrumsys · GitHub

To access your account in Electrum Syscoin Wallet, follow these steps:

  1. Select “Create new wallet”
  2. Choose “Standard wallet”
  3. Choose “Use hardware device”
  4. Enter passphrase if you use this feature, if not leave the form for passphrase absolutely empty and select “OK”
  5. Choose "native segwit (P2WPKH), and don’t change the derivation path (it should be set to m/84’/57’/0’)

You will be able to manage your Syscoin wallet via Electrum then.

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