Missing tamper evidence stickers and seed paper in package

Just received my Trezor keep.
In the video I see a paper where you can write down the seed that is rolled up and placed in the inner tube.After closing the Trezor keep there are tamper evidence stickers.
Both are missing in my package. How can I get these?

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@Neeuw The wallet backup cards are not included with the Trezor Keep Metal. They are included with a Trezor device purchase. The security seals should be attached to the box top when you unfold it to view the instructions about setting up the Trezor Keep Metal.

If you have any additional questions please create a ticket via our Chatbot Hal. Legitimate Trezor Support representatives will never call or text you via the phone or on Telegram.

Thanks. Didn’t notice I had to unfold the box top.
Yeah I saw the scammer but decided to give him his rest :slight_smile:

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