Missing Songbird tokens from Trezor Safe 3 wallet

Jim (Kraken Support)

Mar 3, 2024, 18:34 PST

Hello Anthony,

Thanks for contacting Kraken.

Your withdrawal FTR2mON-CiSdHB2EkLfn7surfLkuos was sent successfully to the address 0xfd3ed74a5779d40fbb884694ee56dc3f458aacb1

You can view it on a blockchain explorer:

As these funds have successfully left your Kraken account, we are limited in our ability to directly assist further, but we can help advise the next steps. In this situation we would recommend reaching out to the support associated with your destination address and sharing the information provided above. As the funds arrived successfully, they should have more ability to track the funds further and identify the issue.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Kraken Support

  • But I don’t see my SGB tokens anywhere on Trezor Suite. I even connected the wallet to Metamask, which showed 0 SGB. Where did they go?

I had a look around on some blockchains, as SGB I’m not familiar with (chains I don’t understand properly I generally avoid)
Anyway it looks like you have 35661 tokens of SGB on the flare network.
I’m not sure trezor will work with this network…
Probably need someone more experience than me to answer this.
well it looks like if your trezor has the 0xfd3ed74a5779d40fbb884694ee56dc3f458aacb1 address assigned to it…
then you should be able to get this working with the flare network.
probably some googling required as flare isn’t something I’ve got involved in…
according to the trezor coin list, you could try metamask, rabby or mycrypto wallets.

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Thanks, I will try contacting the flare network support.

Searched for “Flare Trezor wallet guide”.

There are step-by-step-instructions. You have to create a new Songbird network and plug in the details.