Missing deposit from Binance

Dear support, I write this in extreme desperation.

I have had a Binance account confirmed a transfer of BTC into my Trezor.
Binance has generated a receipt showing full completion of deposit and has provided a TxID.

The BTC never arrived!!! The TxID is NOT coming up on Blockchain Explorer!!! The same wallet address that I provided for this transfer has been used for deposits prior and post this anomly! No other transactions have any issues whatsoever!!!

Team I have contacted support a few times and yet to receive any response. I understand you are busy but this is going to have absolutely catastrophic outcomes for me if this transaction doesn’t come through into the wallet as soon as possible!

Today is the third day there has been no sign of the coins or TxID on blockchain!

I am desperately seeking help! Please Help! I am sick and have not been able to sleep or eat since this has occurred.

Please help, please respond asap! Please

hi @Jermey001

you have most probably choose different network when sending coins from Binance.
Are you able to locate your transaction on https://bscscan.com/ ?

The transaction does not come up in bscscan. It was sent from Binance, they auto select the network based on the wallet address. The sender had send a test from Binance prior to this transaction and Binance had no issue selecting the correct network to send this coin and all was executed correctly without issue.

Hi Michal, I have received your email as well as this forum chat. I have replied to this thread and the emails several times seeking any reponse. Can the team kindly respond. This situation has escalated quite significantly and I am needing your help desperately.
I have sent a few email replies to you answering your questions. Please at the least give me a response that the support team are looking into the matter and what measures are being taken
Thank you

Hi @Jermey001
Your ticket was answered on Friday, 3 Dec 2021 at 9:38 AM where we asked you to provide the TxID and we haven’t heard from you since then.
Could you please try to contact the support from different email and provide the ticket ID here again?
Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

Michal I dont follow, you asking me to post on public forum the TxID? I did email
Trezor Support [email protected] multiple times with the TxID, screen shots and other relevant information. Im a long time Trezor customer please help here this is extremely important. I need help and support!

Hi @Jermey001
No, what I’m saying is that for some reason we don’t get your emails. There is only one and that one has already been answered asking for your TxID.
That’s why I suggest you to use different email address. Once you submit new ticket please get back to me here with a ticket ID.
Thank you.

Please pardon me. I understand now. New ticket has been created under following number: 111803

Extremely Look forward to resolving this with your help.
Many thanks

Thank you, I can see it now.
I have already answered the ticket, please let’s continues troubleshooting the issue via email.

Thank you Michal, I have replied to your email with the information and attachments you requested. Can you confirm you got this because last time you werent receiving the emails.

Thank you

unfortunately I can’t see no new email from you.
Could you please try to use different email address as we have recently noticed some issues with receiving the emails from protonmail provider.
Thank you.

New ticket number
Ticket ID: 111805

Thank you! It has been answered.

Thank you. I have replied just so you aware. Incase it not come through again

Hi Michal, did my email and attachments come through??

Michel can you please confirm you received my email and attachments??

Hi Michal, has my email with attachments arrived and can you please provide me with an update urgently please

@Jermey001 yes, your email arrived and will be replied as soon as possible (we are very busy these days), please be pationed and do not spam the forum, thank you

Hi @Jermey001 yes I have seen the attachment, thank you.
Your ticket has been answered.