Linux manjaro only trezor suite sees trezor device

I have trezor safe 3. On a computer with linux manjaro I ran the following command:
sudo curl -o /etc/udev/rules.d/51-trezor.rules
I then downloaded and ran the trezor suite application from appimage. The trezor suite app can see my trezor device but other portfolios no longer (manjaro gui, metamask). How can I fix this? Thank you in advance for your help.

trezord.service - Trezor Bridge
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/trezord.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-11-13 10:20:12 CET; 4h 23min ago
 Invocation: e49f5b72c9f943b7b530134471b4ff47
   Main PID: 1915 (trezord)
      Tasks: 28 (limit: 37762)
     Memory: 73.6M (peak: 74.3M)
        CPU: 10.927s
     CGroup: /system.slice/trezord.service
             └─1915 /usr/bin/trezord

lis 13 14:32:03 laptop trezord[1915]: POST /call/2
lis 13 14:32:03 laptop trezord[1915]: - - [13/Nov/2024:14:32:03 +0100] "POST /call/2 HTTP/1>
lis 13 14:32:03 laptop trezord[1915]: POST /release/2
lis 13 14:32:03 laptop trezord[1915]: - - [13/Nov/2024:14:32:03 +0100] "POST /release/2 HTT>
lis 13 14:32:03 laptop trezord[1915]: - - [13/Nov/2024:14:32:03 +0100] "POST /listen HTTP/1>
lis 13 14:32:03 laptop trezord[1915]: POST /listen
lis 13 14:37:04 laptop trezord[1915]: - - [13/Nov/2024:14:32:03 +0100] "POST /listen HTTP/1>
lis 13 14:37:04 laptop trezord[1915]: POST /listen
lis 13 14:42:04 laptop trezord[1915]: - - [13/Nov/2024:14:37:04 +0100] "POST /listen HTTP/1>
lis 13 14:42:04 laptop trezord[1915]: POST /listen

if you go to [], do you see your Trezor?

This page doesn’t work: Page loading error

right, sorry, wrong link.

Yes, I see, but it is recognized as a model T and I have safe 3

yeah, that’s fine, the Bridge detects all new Trezors as the Trezor T.

Well, the bridge is running and is detecting your Trezor.

Monero GUI (if that’s what you meant) has an open issue about detecting Trezor, which may very well be related to the udev rules: Monero GUI from Manjaro Officiial Repro does NOT recognize TREZOR Safe 3 · Issue #4317 · monero-project/monero-gui · GitHub
(it might as well be something completely different.)

Metamask should be using the Bridge, which is running and detecting the Trezor, so I don’t see how what you did could have changed anything. Maybe it was a temporary glitch – restart your browser and try again?

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Thanks for the help, rebooting the computer helped. Metamask is already detecting my trezor