Is Trezor going to be FIDO_CERTIFIED_L1?

I wanted to use Trezor as HW key for “MojeID” service. But for the full usage, they need the device to be certified by FIDO (FIDO_CERTIFIED_L1).

Is there a chance this will happen in the near future?

Trezor is not FIDO certified simply because we have not attempted to do so. We believe that open-source and transparency is better to follow rather then relying on third party authorities. Learn more if you like about our Security:Security philosophy - Trezor Wiki

Anyway, currently there is no plan to apply for FIDO certification. However, you can still use Two-Factor Authentication with Trezor U2F - Trezor Wiki

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I understand to reasons.
But there are some government regulations. For users it would be wonderful to be able use trezor (as trustworthy device) to access government services.

Don’t you think about change your mind in this case?

Hi @klokane

I see your point, but as mentioned previously, there is no plan to apply for FIDO certification ATM.