Is my receiving address supposed to change, and if so, how often does it do so?

Is my receiving address supposed to change, and if so, how often does it do so?

The one that got pasted to my clipboard is different than the one I used a few weeks ago. I made sure it’s the same wallet.

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And further to the above, what happens if I use an old address even though the wallet tells me to use a different one?

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Hii @Steamdude

The question in matter have a simple answer.


Using the same address Significantly reduces the privacy of your wallet

In a transaction, the spender and receiver each reveal to each other all public keys or addresses used in that transaction. This allows either person to use the public blockchain to track past and future transactions involving the other person’s same addresses

Check this trezor wiki

Because of privacy everytime you use one address on the next transaction you will get a new address so you don’t have to use the old.
