Incomplete backup (seed)

Good day. I bought a new model one safe and during installation when I had a backup made I unplugged the safe and turned it off when it only displayed the third word. So the backup was not completed. Is there a way to start the backup again so that I have my seed? Thank you

Hi @Dewis,

a recovery seed is displayed only once during the initialization process. The backup of this recovery seed can’t be started again.

You need to wipe your Trezor and initialize it again. A new recovery seed will be generated then. Make sure to properly back up this new recovery seed.

Instructions on how to wipe your Trezor:
for Trezor Model One:
for Trezor Model T:

Instructions on how to initialize it again:
for Trezor Model One:
for Trezor Model T:

Ahoj Radku. Doufám že můžu česky. Chápu to tedy správně že po inicializace se dá seed udělat znovu a trezor tudíž není na vyhození…?

Je to tak. Pomocí Trezoru lze vygenerovat více recovery seedů, stačí současný seed vymazat (wipe) a poté vygenerovat nový (návody uvedeny v minulé odpovědi). Trezor není vázán pouze na jeden seed, na vyhození tedy určitě není.