How do I access Suite once I downloaded it?


Wow. Thank you ! Yes, I had turned Remember on to see what the hidden wallets were…
Turning it off does remove my data until I use the trezor again. My asset is in the Sedgwit part.
Not sure what Sedgwit means…

So I understand #1 and #2.

3, would I enter “cd/downloads” then navigate to—Appimage ?

Or “cd/downloads/Trezor-Suite-21.9.2-linux-x86_64-Appimage” ?

Do I use quotations ?

Is it okay at this point …appimage will not open when I click on it ? (due to no known programs associated with it ? )

#4 “Copy and paste the command above into the command window.”
Is this referring to the cd entry?

It gets fuzzy to me here… Do I enter
“chmod./Trezor-Suite-21.3.1-linux-x86_64.AppImage” (without quotation marks) in terminal ?

Will I be asked questions related to which permissions, or will the above entry grant all permissions?

#5 Do enter the 2 commands separately or at same time ?

Finally, where do I find the transactions I did using Suite ?

I hope you are getting some points or credit for helping me here!
Thanks again. Libre

Yes. If the appimage is in the downloads directory, then you have navigated to it with that command.



The appimage won’t open when you click on it because it doesn’t have permission to run on your PC. Therefore you must use the chmod command first.

No, the chmod command.

No, one at a time.

What transactions was that? What type of coin or token was the transaction with?

I live to serve … :stuck_out_tongue: Just happy if I can help.

@Petosiris Thanks for the detailed explanation & instructions!

1 Like


Thanks much for your reply. I must get up my nerve to follow the instructions…
Regarding transacions. I sent BTC using Suite the day I downloaded it. The old version does show what I sent. The Suite shows :
“No transactions… yet.
Get started by receiving transactions or buying BTC.”

Hmmm… I just realized, though I thought I used Suite, maybe , since there is more left for me to do to get it set up properly, is that is why it shows the transaction on original and not on Suite ?
Thanks !

I don’t know, it’s not much to go on. We’d need more details about the transaction you made.
But perhaps you should make a new topic about the BTC transaction problem. Please search the forums to see if any of the existing topics fit your issue and if you find one that fits post there.

Please, have a look at this post explaining different types of BTC accounts


Looks like I must get suite installed pronto… I did post on linux forum. I wrote TRezor support. THey suggest a forum trezor/community - Gitter for live help, but I do not use twitter, or github or gitlab. Unsure what Matrix is…
Any suggestion as to how I could join that forum?

The support referred me to this link. Apps:Trezor Suite - Trezor Wiki

Would I be able to post that first command after I download the latest Suite (deleted the October one) and avoid doing the super user and getting into my download folder?

Are you available to help on this?
If not, any other linux user that is willing to guide me on this?

Sorry, I’ve never been there myself.

The process should be pretty straight forward explained in this thread. You’d have to be a super user when issuing the commands though.


Thanks for replying. The super user idea is intimidating to me, but if that is what it takes…
Before I do this, I want to list the steps as I understand them, so you can correct anything I misunderstood.
#1 enter command “sudo su” minus quotes

#2 enter command “cd/downloads” minus quotes
That brings me into download folder. I am trying to picture how that works…To get to the appimage file, will I need to use the commands " To navigate up one directory level, use"cd …"
To navigate to the previous directory (or back), use"cd -" ?
How do I end up on appimage ? This part is confusing to me.
Will the download file show on the terminal?

#3 enter chmod u+x Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage

#4 While still in downloads / in terminal? on my screen behind terminal?
enter ```
gpg --import satoshilabs-2021-signing-key.asc

#5 enter gpg --verify Trezor-Suite-21.3.1-linux-x86_64.AppImage.asc

#6 look for “Good signature from statement”
on both #4 and #5

Thanks in advance for your help on this Petosiris .

#0 open a Terminal window

#1 enter command “sudo su” minus quotes

Correct. sudo is the super user command sudo su sets the user to su aka the super user, so you don’t have to issue “sudo” in front of all the following commands. A super user in linux is basically the same as Admin in Windows.

#2 enter command “cd/downloads” minus quotes

Use a space between the cd command and the path. Beware that a forward slash always begin at the root, so cd /downloads will tell the change directory command to look for a directory called downloads directly beneath the root. What you probably want to do instead is changing to your Downloads directory (notice the capital D) under your home directory, like this:

cd Downloads


cd /home/username/Downloads (replace username with your own username)

These two commands do the same thing.

How do I end up on appimage ? This part is confusing to me.

The appimage file is downloaded to your default download directory (directory is the same as a folder in Windows), so if you haven’t changed it to something else it should be Download.

Will the download file show on the terminal?

try dir -1 to see what’s in the directory you’ve landed in. The dir command lists all the files in that directory/folder. If you can’t see the appimage file, you’re in the wrong directory.

#3 enter chmod u+x Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage


#4 While still in downloads / in terminal? on my screen behind terminal?
enter ```

No, where did you get those ``` from? The correct is:

#4 While still in directory Downloads

gpg --import satoshilabs-2021-signing-key.asc


#5 enter gpg --verify Trezor-Suite-21.3.1-linux-x86_64.AppImage.asc


#6 look for “Good signature from statement”
on both #4 and #5

Maybe, I haven’t checked what the right status message is in the manual, but it should indicate success in both instances and not report an error.

Don’t forget to run the appimage file:

#7 ./Trezor-Suite-21.3.1-linux-x86_64.AppImage

And then exit the super user mode:

#8 exit

At last, close the terminal with another exit command:

#9 exit


Wow. Thank you for being so detailed. Okay, I am fine on #1and #2 ;

Do I need to enter dir -1 ? Or is that just if I do not see the app image?

Are there 2 spaces before the hyphen or just one?

How do I then navigate to app image ?

Can I just click on it before entering the chmod command?

#4 On this step, I meant to paste the ./Trezor-Suite-21.3.1-linux-x86_64.AppImage command.

What if I just do #1 , #2 and dir -1 to see what the directory even looks like?
Then, if I am unsure on how to get to my downloaded app image ,is it okay if I do the command “exit” twice until I ask you about it?
Or would it be better to leave that terminal sit until I get back to it ?
Thanks !

You don’t need to, only if you want to see what’s in the directory.

One. But you can have two also, of you want.

With the cd command. See above.

No, the Terminal isn’t a graphical interface.

You may do that.

You can exit the Terminal any time you want by using exit twice.

If anything is unclear I’d advice you to read about Linux commands and the Terminal. There are tons of examples and guides your there in google land. Also, it’s advisable to join a Linux forum so you can ask other people. This forum is about Trezor hardware wallet, not Linux, so it’s limited how much I can help you with Linux itself. You should do your own research on this.


I hear you.I am on a linux forum, The post on there did not say I needed to use sudo su on this… I also wrote TRezor support, but waiting for a reply.
I ran into a problem… I will post here the terminal.
What should ny next command be to fix the sandbox issue?
Do I go ahead and do exit twice now or leave terminal as it is…
Again, I thank you so much for your help on this !

root@linux:/home/maggie/Downloads# chmod u+x Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage
root@linux:/home/maggie/Downloads# ./Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage
[1219/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See 638180 - chromium - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Monorail.
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Well, you never told me you logged in as root.

  1. This is not advisable. You should login as maggie or another normal user instead.
  2. You don’t need to use sudo su when you’re already a root user.

As I said before, you can close the Terminal window by using exit twice. Then reboot and log in as maggie or another normal user.

Then you should wait for reply from them. I can’t interfere in a Support issue, but only say that you should post your Ticket ID as a separate post here, so Support can link your case to this thread.

Happy to help! Good luck! :+1:


The #1 command was to enter sudo su. Is that correct ?
Is that what logged me in in as root ?
I followed each step I thought…

$ sudo su
[sudo] password for maggie:
root@linux:/home/maggie# cd Downloads
root@linux:/home/maggie/Downloads# dir -1

Have I done any damage with what I did ?
Did I change anything so far ?
Or will exit now mean there were no changes from what I did?

It could be awhile,especially with the holidays, before support replies to me…

How do I link to this thread in a new post where I give the support case # ?


Sorry, I can’t interfere in an ongoing Support case, Libre.
Please write your Ticket ID as a separate post in this forum thread, so Community Support can link your case to it.

Here is the case # ticket ID: 108629. Trezor Support is encouraging me to get help elsewhere…
Linux questions .org got me up to where I am stuck now. I will post the terminal results in case another linux user can help me here.
Also, I will share this thread with support.

maggie@linux ~ $ cd /home/maggie/Downloads
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ chmod u+x Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=i965
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ ./Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox
[52508:1227/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=iHD
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ ./Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox

libva error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ init failed
[52601:1227/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=nouvea
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=nouvea
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ ./Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox

[52696:1227/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=vdpau
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ ./Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox

[52783:1227/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=radeonsi
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $ ./Trezor-Suite-21.12.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox

kmsro: driver missing
kmsro: driver missing
libva error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ init failed
[52881:1227/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $
maggie@linux ~/Downloads $

Trezor Support emailed me. They offered a link that may help. They are not going to help me with this install…

Is this applicable to my case ? If so, what commands do I use?
Do I use them on the same terminal where I am in the download folder?

Here is the answer :

This error message…] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.

…is a common Google Chrome error when trying to run it in Linux due to Chrome’s GPU usage.

First of all, System.setProperty() line accepts the key and the value of the absolute path of the ChromeDriver. So instead of:

System.setProperty("", "/usr/bin/google-chrome");

You need to:

System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");


Generally this error can be addressed by avoiding the GPU hardware acceleration with the
following flags:

  • --disable-gpu: Disables GPU hardware acceleration. If software renderer is not in place, then the GPU process won’t launch
  • --disable-software-rasterizer: Disables the use of a 3D software rasterizer

Code snippet:


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you for posting your Ticket ID so Community support can see it here. I can’t interfere in an ongoing support case, so please communicate with them through email with the Ticket case you have established. If they can’t help you then it’s nothing I can add to help either, sorry. They know even more about this than I.

Good luck!

When using Linux Mint there is a much simpler way to deal with the app image problem.

Right click the app image download. Go to permissions, which is found in properties, and allow executing file as program.

  • Cheers!