**Help! Struggling with withdrawing crypto coin from Kraken to Trezor wallet! Been trying for 2 weeks and not working!

Good evening,
I bought my Trezor about 3 weeks ago and for the last 2 weeks I can’t get the Trezor to work.
I’m trying to move 1 crypto coin from Kraken Exchange to my Trezor wallet and it keeps citing “Invalid Ripple Address Provided”.

Here is what did:

  1. I accessed Kraken web site and clicked on Transfer crypto on left hand side
  2. I selected XRP and then clicked “Withdraw”
  3. Then, I click on Add XRP address. At this point in time, I see a pop-up dialog box which asks for the following: a) Address Description, b) Withdrawal address, c) destination tag
  4. From what I understand, the withdrawal address is the only thing important here if I am going to withdraw one XRP coin from Kraken Exchange to the Trezor wallet. Therefore, I go to my Trezor wallet and select XRP #1 and click on . From that point on I copy the receive address from my Trezor wallet and then copy it into the field noted in step 3 (e.g. b) Withdrawal address).

In the Address description I just cite it as “Trezor test” and for the Destination Tag I put "Trezor test) again. Then I click on the “add withdrawal address” and it consistently gives me "invalid ripple address provided.

**I can’t seem to get this simple procedure to work!!! I have two Trezor wallets and I’m just about ready to return them because it doesn’t work. I’m so frustrated! If there is anyone who can provide recommendations on what I am doing wrong it would be enormously appreciated!!! Please be advised, this is a brand new Trezor wallet without anything on it… Please advise. Thanks

Try inputting any number on “destination tag”.

For example 0 or 1.

You are amazing. Thank you for that recommendation. I entered “0” for the destination tag and it took. Thank you so much. It cited that it was successfully completed. However, I went back and looked at my Trezor and don’t see anything? If I may ask, how long does the process take for the XRP cryptos to move to the Trezor wallet over the network. Please advise. Thanks again!

XRP transactions usually take less than an hour.

If the XRP still hasn’t arrived at your Trezor, make sure the withdrawal address is correct.

Try searching for “XRP explorer” on Google, paste your XRP address there, and see if any balance is shown.