General crypto discussion

Found this interesting

Have fun with it!!!


Ohhh and by the way

I just can’t get enough…

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There’s no secret both the European Union and the United States want to strike down at Stablecoins. It’s just a question of when they do it. If this Etonec has a proposal for a new Stablecoin, then I’d like to hear more about it but I remain sceptical to any initiative designed to appease the FIAT world.

Note that Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) are recurring topics when governments talk about crypto and they use these, in connection with the volatility with crypto and examples like the FTX bankruptsy, to explain why they want to regulate the crypto market. But they have other, far more important (to them), motives, which they don’t want to talk about. They’re scared of the thought of a rival economy to the FIAT system, first and foremost. An unregulated economy they can’t control. Fear of losing taxes. So they want to kill it before it gets too dominant, or at least regulate it so they can control it better.

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@Petosiris I just found interesting the use of this technology Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge and being able to use it within the boundaries of the law…

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Yeah, but I think “Zero Knowledge” is not the right word for it. :smiley: It takes some knowledge to use it in making a Stablecoin inside the bounderies of the law, I mean.

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Heeiiii team @slush @stick @kolin @matejcik @forgi @pavel @zapla

Just found this

For when a new model with this technology. Seems pretty cool to have an open source secure element chip.

Any ideais to share, I will wait

By the way happy new year to all.



It looks like the tide may have turned. At least Bitcoin (BTC) and several other coins – for instance Solana (SOL), Compound (COMP) and Mana (MANA) – have risen much in the latest few days. Today’s prices (in my watchlist) are below.


Heiii @sime maybe you could give some feedback?

You in another thread that are working on a new device but long way away, what does this mean 1year 2year 5year.

Can’t give any news on this secure element and new developments?

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Sorry, best not to give away timelines, it creates expectations. When creating expectations, you want to keep them. It’s too early to create any sort of promises.

But you don’t need a secure element if you have a passhrase :slight_smile:

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Great! Hahahaha

I will be waiting and alert…

Have a nice one

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Hei hei team

Since we are waiting on news about whats on the works by Trezor…

Decided to share

Coinkite just launched… has advantages and disadvantages…

Nice to see developments


Heiiii @Petosiris

I have heard first ever weekly death cross incoming for bitcoin, we will see what it brings.

How is your chart looking

I the meanwhile here is hot hot hot picture

36c 90% humidity.

Have a nice one


Hei @rimaS,

Looks hot too, in that picture. You have full summer while we have full winter. From 21 - 23 January we had -27 C (-16.6 F) here where I live. This picture is from my garden on Jan 25:

I try to feed both birds and deers. :slight_smile:

Weekly death cross? Where did you hear that? I hear some people doom Bitcoins death all the time. They often parrot the authorities, which are basically saying “It’s volatile and you can’t trust it. It’s used by money laundrers, tax svindlers and other criminals, and it’s not regulated. So we need to protect the common people against crypto in general and especially Bitcoin.”

But I don’t think Bitcoin will die anytime soon. In fact, I think it’ll easily reach the value of $1M - if it gets widely used, in parallel with fiat money. Why? Because it’s a very limited amount, 21M in total and some think about 1/3 of that is lost already because people have lost their seeds, and if everyone want Bitcoins (or fractions of it) then the price will go up skyhigh, as with any other sparse resource.

My chart is below. I haven’t had the time yet to replace those coins I talked about earlier though. But I’ll do that soon, I hope. Some new coins are interesting to watch, for instance NextEarth (NXTT).


Here the sun comes out at 4:30h in the morning and by 06h it is already at 30c.

But the worst really is the humidity 96%… it is very dense and heavy on the breathing

Enjoy the cold I will bear with heat…

I know some of you have heard about Tropic Square, the new company that’s developing a crypto chip for totally Open Source hardware wallets! For those who haven’t heard about this before, Tropic Square is a spin-off project from SatoshiLabs (who makes the Trezor) and there’s exciting news coming from the company these days. Check out their website and sign up for their newsletter, if you want to be the first to know the latest.

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Hahahha you almost got me

Colder than cold cold storage

Haha! Good one. It reminds me of another not so cold wallet with a similar name. :grin:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Using Trezor in Binance Smart Chain Network

Also found this quite peculiar

Hm. Strange. Some would say it’s trash filling up his/her disk space (“almost THREE HUNDRED KILOBYTE! I will sue Apple!”) and others would say it’s interesting reading. The news of the document on Apple machines are interesting anyway. I wonder what happens to that Engineer now? :sweat_smile: