Factory reset after after setup

Hello guys,
here a quick question to be 100% sure about what I’m doing.

I bought a Trezor Model T, carefully backup my seed phrase (of course offline, on a paper) and send some BTC to my address.

I checked multiple times with the tool provided if the seed phrase is correct.

Now, for security purposes, I would like to reset my device (factory reset) and forgot about it for some time.

I assume that in future, all I will have to do is to restore it with my seed phrase or buy another one and restore it with the seed phrase. Correct?

To make it simple, I would like to increase the security by resetting my device with the factory reset tool and just want to be sure I’m not kind of “deleting” my assets.

Thank you,

Yes that is correct, as long as you have your verified recovery seed you will be able to recover your wallet anytime using any wallet that supports BIP39.

So do not worry, you are not deleting your assets as they are not even on your device but on blockchain respektively on the addresses derived from your private key that is backed up by your recovery seed.

I did a factory reset and all my coins are gone! Now what?? already used hidden phrase to make sure not hidden. Also used same pin and hidden phrase as original. there is zero activity documented just new wallet
Have any great ideas?

so which blockchain(s) is it you were using?

let’s imagine it was ETH… (I have no info to go on)
is the ETH address shown there now the same as before?

did you put in the seed phrase exactly as before.
if you used a passphrase, is that exactly right also?

I have a trezor T + S3, I used separate seeds, but recently decided to use the same seed on both and have 1 as a backup.
I factory reset the model T and put in seed and passphrase, all was as expected, coins from the S3 where all there.

214871 ticket ID
BTC . Did have trouble getting seed phrase in correctly but finally worked. Message popped up new wallet ready. Trying to get old wallet. No Btc in new wallet