ETH/USDT sent from not showing up on Trezor Model one

Ok, some success! I have found the 0.001 Eth. Thank you for your help. However I can’t send it back to the exchange because it will cost more than it’s worth to do so. What would I need to do to make sure I can send my crypto to my Trezor one? All the crypto I have is paired with USDT

I mentioned this already, your crypto is on Trezor, you are just using different app to see it

ok, what would I need to do so that I can just view it on my Trezor One without having to use Metamask?

you have to send it back to to exchange and send it to trezor using ETH network.

If you can’t or don’t want to do it because of fees then you are out of options.

Arbitrum is not supported in Suite

Ok, Thank you very much for your help and patience. I feel like I have learnt something.