Discrepancy - Trezor Wallet Transaction Details vs. Trezor Bitcoin Explorer Transaction Details - Hacked?

Have I been hacked or is my wallet at risk in some way?

In TrezorSuite/with Trezor device I specified to send a certain amount of BTC to an address - this amount registers correctly in the Wallet Transaction Details in the TrezorSuite. However when go to the ‘Trezor Bitcoin Explorer’ on my browser, via clicking the arrow next to the transaction ID in the TrezorSuite, the total input is WAY HIGHER.

I have not felt comfortable keeping any BTC in my wallet since seeing this. I never gave my seed phrase or pin to anyone. I confirmed all details from my trezor device. Does anyone know what could be going on?

Thanks in Advance

Hi @Thatiam ,

that is your change address.

For example, let’s say you have a wallet with 10 bitcoins and you want to send 5 bitcoins to someone. Instead of sending 5 bitcoins directly to the recipient, your wallet will create a transaction that uses the 10 bitcoins in your wallet to pay the recipient 5 bitcoins and send the remaining 5 bitcoins back to you as change. This change will be sent to a new change address in your wallet.

Thank you for the direction, that makes sense and I hope it’s as simple as that. However, I had more total bitcoin in my wallet than what shows in the ‘Total Input’ In the Explorer. The Total Input was just some random number that I cannot associate with anything. Any thoughts?

the input is not random, it depends on what UTXOs you have in the wallet and what amount are you sending, there are several algorithms in place that Suite will use to construct your transaction.

whew, so much to learn :melting_face:. Thanks for following up with me.