CNFT on Trezor Wallet


I am wondering if it is possible to store Cardano NFT (CNFT) on Trezor T.

I went through the article on Trezor blog. It states the following:

“… your Trezor can be used to store and secure NFTs, as long as they exist on a network which is already supported in device firmware, such as Ethereum.”

But all the details in the article relate to ETH NFT standard EIP-721.

As far as I understand the firmware Cardano blockchain is now supported.

Is that possible? Has anyone been able to store a CNFT on the Trezor T via 3rd party wallet? If so, which wallet did you use? I’ve looked into the wallets I used in the past and looks like NuFi could be capable of doing that as it has Trezor integration.


Trezor device implements all the relevant standards, so it should be perfectly possible to store Cardano NFTs.

As for wallet integrations, I cannot comment. But there’s a limited number of Cardano wallets with Trezor integration so you could just try them all and report back

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Thanks for the reply @matejcik , it worked. I did use NuFi wallet by Vacuumlabs (they are behind Adalite wallet which I have used before Trezor Suite supported Cardano). The transaction shows as confirmed on Cardanoscan as well, all good.

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Today I came back from vacation and noticed that CNFTS are listed in the tokens section of the Cardano account in Trezor Suite. It would be cool if the NFT preview feature was implemented to the Suite software at some point in the future. Nevertheless, having those assets listed there is a pleasant surprise!

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