"Check authenticity" - what is this?

When I go to “Device settings” in the Android app, it has a section named “Device authenticity” and a “Check authenticity” link.

When I select “Check authenticity” it gives me some bla-bla-bla about the importance of checking device authenticity and when I click “Let’s do it” it asks me to “Continue on your Trezor”.

There’s no reaction from the Trezor (Safe 5) itself at that moment.

So, what do I do next?

The Trezor itself shows a regular lock screen. If I click-and-hold it transfers me to “Tap to unlock” screen. I tap, it asks me for the PIN. I enter the PIN, it verifies it for a second or two and then throws me back to the original lock screen. I can repeat the whole process again and it will do the same thing again, arriving to the original lock screen.

So, what’s going on here? How do I “Check authenticity”? Why is the unlock procedure on Trezor going in circles?

Apparently, this Android option corresponds to “Check device” option in the desktop suite. Just tried it in the desktop suite and it works. I.e. the Safe 5 immediately responds to the Suite and goes through a number of steps to verify itself.

So, why does the Android version not work (see above)?