Cant witdraw founds from trezor using metamask

hi im using the Binance smart chain in metamask , i added from the official site , and i transfer some BNB in mi trezor wallet wich is conected to my metamask , the issue is i cant withdraw my funds even between my acounts , the first time i tried an error appear ¨error:error unkwow address¨ , now when i try to withdraw my funds , the trezor ask me unlock and the passphrase but nothing else happen , dont appear the message for confirm the transaccion

please i need help


Hi @adricp3

You are most probably using different seed or passphrase.
Please read the following thread carefully:

thanks for your help but i never change the passphrase or seed of my trezor , i dont know how can i solve the problem

Igual yo y nadie me a contestado de soporte :sneezing_face:

Ahi me di cuenta que es , tenes que dejar la passphrase en blanco y despues darle a continuar , a mi se me arreglo asi , porque la pasphrase que viene por defecto esta en blanco , despues cuando lo vuelvas a hacer te va a pedir la passphrase real

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If you want to access address from your Standard (not passphrase protected wallet) just enter an empty passphrase (no passphrase at all), the device will proceed exactly as if the passphrase feature had not been activated at all, and generate a wallet from your recovery seed stored on the device.