Cant find my my bnb (beacon) on metamask (which is to my trezor model T)

about 2 years ago i bought some bnb, over the bnb beacon blockchain,
and i stored it on my trezor, and i think that the 3rd party wallet i used for it is metamask.
now, i connect to metamask with my trezor, and i see the the only bnb chain that i could connect to is the bnb smart chain which is not beacon…so i dont have any access to my bnb.
do you have any idea how can i connect with my trezor to the bnb beacon chain ?
it is the only way to have access to my bnb coin.


Hi @ofiry,

Can you please try to access Binance | Dex Trading | Decentralized Exchange | Do you see the “Trezor Device” option there?

when i connect to my trezor, i get redirected to a page that gives me this message (and get stuck):

“Connect v8 is deprecated. Please ask your DeFi platform/wallet developers (not Trezor) to update to Connect v9.”

so i changed the link to which i was redirected, so it will use 9 instead of 8,
and then i get:

so it looks like nothing here.
but im sure that the coin is still in the address i withdrow to 2 years ago from binance,
because i see the coin in the address on the bnb beacon chain.

i guess its problematic because the beacon chain is kind of deprecated now,
but it doesnt make sense that people will lose funds just because they had addresses on the old chain,
what could be the issue here ?



please read this message carefully. it has all the instructions you need.

what does it mean? who are those developers? and how can i contact them ?

That would be the authors of the website you went to. So presumably this way?

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finally, i found a solution with the help of bnb devs,
the way to solve it is this:

  1. Please use the Firefox browser.
  2. Turned off “enhanced tracking protection” (check online how to do this)
  3. Install the latest trezor bridge. (skip if you have already done so)
  4. You should be able to connect with Trezor wallet now.

I’m 97 % sure that unless they update Connect on their end, this is not going to work

but best of luck to you if it does!

@ofiry, try it and hopefully, it will work. We also suggested this solution at Problems accessing binance DEX with trezor - #3 by radekP