Can't connect to Mango Farm Assets

In 2019, I rolled over 60К RVN coins into Mango Farm.
I haven’t used the Trezor wallet in a long time, today I tried to link the Trezor wallet to Mango farm but failed.
I checked on Trezor website and saw that Trezor no longer supports Mango Farm Asset.

My question is, how can I get my 60k RVN coins back?

Hi @lyubo,

Ravencoin (RVN) is supported in Trezor devices. However, it is not natively supported in Trezor Suite, which means you need to use 3rd party wallet Chaintek.

Please note that you need Trezor Bridge installed on your computer for this 3rd party wallet. You can download it from this source: Trezor Suite
(use supported browsers for the web version of Trezor Suite - Chrome and Firefox)