Can't change the bump fee because of error "not enough funds"

Dear support team
i can’t change the bump fee because of the error not enough funds
as you can see the funds are existent but i an not able replace the fee

please help me on this

@Samie try to cancel the transaction via 3rd party app according to this manual:

Hi Forgi,

I am having the issue above where I have a pending transaction with a low GWEI and “not enough funds” to bump it. I have plenty of funds and this is a bug within Trezor.

I am familiar with sending a new 0ETH transaction with the custom nonce of the ‘stuck transaction’.

My problem comes when trying to link my Trezor with my existing MM address. When selecting a HD path within the MM ui, my Trezor isn’t listed.

Is there another way I can unblock this transaction? My crypto has come to a complete halt stuck behind this issue.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you,