Can´t access additional ETH wallets on Metamask (wallet 11+)


I have been using Trezor for years and once I had all the 10 ETH wallets from the Trezor Desktop app in use, I imported additional ETH wallets to my Metamask (wallet 11, wallet 12 and so on). First, I did some test transactions on these wallets and it was working without a problem. Also during the later use I had no issues with these wallets.

Now suddenly I cannot connect these wallets with my Trezor anymore. Every time I try to do a transaction on these wallets, it is initiated but after a while I get an error that the TX was cancelled because of “unknown wallet”.

I did some research on this and tried everything but always get the same error. The other Trezor ETH wallets (nr. 1-10) are working fine in the same Metamask. It looks like the old additional wallets are not connected to the Trezor anymore, because when I use the import function in Metamask for Trezor wallets, i cannot see my old additional wallets addresses in the list for the selection for the import.

I also tried also to to use the Legacy HD for the import, but can´t find these wallets neither in the list,

I had neither used a pass phrase for the Trezor, nor reset my Trezor or imported the seed to another Trezor. So what is the reason for this issue and is there a way to interact with these old additional wallets?

PS: My firmware of the Trezor, Trezor Desktop and bridge app are up to date and I am 100% sure I never used the passphrase feature

Hi @Chazdot,

In case you can’t see the address with your funds in step “Select an account”, you connecting a different wallet to MetaMask. Either you have a different recovery seed in your Trezor or you use a different passphrase.

Generally, when the same recovery seed is used and the same passphrase is entered, the same wallet (with the same set of addresses) is accessed. There is no exception, the public-key cryptography ensures it generates always the same result.

In case you have the right recovery seed (which is stored in your Trezor device), the passphrase is the only option how you can create a different wallet within this one recovery seed. Every passphrase creates a unique wallet then (1 unique passphrase = 1 wallet). Please remember that passphrase can be any word or any set of letters (in ASCII format and with 50 characters max), it is case sensitive, and empty space is also a valid character, please also think of a different keyboard layout you could have used.

There is a simple way how to verify you use the right recovery seed. Please check that the recovery seed stored in your Trezor device matches your recovery seed backup (the one you created when initialized your device for the first time). You can find instructions on how to perform this check here:

for Trezor Model One:
for Trezor Model T:
for Trezor Safe 3:

In case recovery seed in your device matches your recovery seed backup, the only way how to access a different wallet (with different addresses) is with a different passphrase.