Can not send my matic (polygon) from my Trezor using to my mainmetamask account

When I try to send my matic tokens from my Trezor using metamask, appears a new tab in my chrome to write my passphrase, after I wrote it, appears a message saying to complete the transaction on the the hardwallet, but nothing happens on the Trezor’s screen.

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Can not send my matic (polygon) from Trezor using metamask to my mainmetamask account

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I think I sent some tokens to a watch acc, because I am trying to withdraw and it is not working. Is there any way I can recover it?

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I’ve noticed that you opened a ticket with our official support. Let’s solve your issue there as we will need you to provide txID and it is better not to share this info publicly on the forum for privacy reasons.

Please, await a response to your ticket.