Can I create a new set of 24 words as my seed?

How can I create a new 24 word seed for Trozor1. The words I currently have now used to work, but now I’m told that it’s invalid.

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Hi @Successful8,

The fact that the wallet does not accept the seed can mean one of two things:

a) You are not entering the words in the correct order. Please note that the Trezor display instructs you to put the words from your seed in a particular order. Follow the order shown on your Trezor’s display, which is different from the order you wrote them down in (applies only for users with Trezor Model One)

b) You have misspelled a word. Luckily, the recovery seed is always comprised of words drawn from a limited, very specific and public list. I recommend you go through the list and try to find all of the words you have written down. If there is a word which you cannot find on the list, it is not spelled correctly. Looking out for similar words like boy/box, aware/awake might also be helpful.

The list is available at

Commonly misspelled recovery seed words can be found at

Do you have some funds in that wallet? If so, are you able to access the wallet or not?


No, I was not able to transfer my Bitcoin into Trezor 1. Also, my pin is invalid after many tries.

I think at this stage I should wipe my Trezor1 clean including the pin. Can I get step-by-step help in doing this?

Some people, like me, swap some words in the saved initial phrase. Someone who has gained access to my seed cannot restore the wallet, just as you want it to. You may have someone else’s device with a PIN code and a phrase in which some words are rearranged. If it yours - try to remember. It was necessary to double-check the seed phrase and restore it from the beginning.

You can find information on how to wipe your Trezor in this article:

for Trezor Model One:
for Trezor Model T:

After you wipe the device, you can create a new wallet backed up by a new recovery seed. You can also set a new PIN. Find information on how to create a new wallet here:

for Trezor Model One:
for Trezor Model T:

Make sure to create a backup of your recovery seed words and make sure to check if this backup matches the seed stored in your Trezor. Information on how to perform this check can be found in this article:

for Trezor Model One:
for Trezor Model T:

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