BTC Pending Transaction

Hello. I tried to transfer some BTC from my Coinbase Wallet to my Trezor and the transaction has been pending for 8 days. What can I do? Wait more? Cancel?


your transaction fee is too low.
Coinbase No
It’s not detected as Coinbase.
RBF not enabled, the sender can’t increase fee, you should to wait more.

you can check the status of your transaction here:



I advise you to contact coinbase support, the limits, fees and withdrawal times are defined by the exchange.

Ps: be careful when sharing tx data as you give away a lot of your privacy.



I tried to transfer some BTC from my Trezor Wallet (Hidden Wallet) to other address and the transaction has been pending for more than 7 hours. What can I do? Wait more? Cancel?
once before bumpfee (RBF) used and change 25 $ (low) fee to 155$ (Eco)
but still pending and in blockchaire show 1 day
Now, more than 18 hours past and pending

TX: fa8d71599d22b877c1fc3c599e80a597a30ae17de8fa3415ab8b7e25c666760d

Hi @hkabiri,

your transaction is pending as there are currently higher fees (the BTC network is busy). If you do not need the transaction to be confirmed faster, you can wait and it will be confirmed after a certain period of time (it may take several hours, it cannot be predicted exactly). If you need your transaction to be confirmed faster, you need to use the RBF feature again. You can check the actual fees for example at

Posting this link was extremely helpful to me! THANK YOU! Newby trying to make sense of everything and overcoming all the intimidation…plus I am not a young chicken…ha