BEWARE! Phishing arriving to my Trezor newsletter E-mail (from [email protected])

Dear Trezor,

Please check within your internal storage of E-mail addresses subscribed to your newsletter if someone else had gained access to.
Few minutes ago, I received suspicious e-mail asking me to enable “SecureEase” to verify my wallet.
I believe this is phishing, because I don’t have a trezor wallet, just subscribed to newsletter.
It points to a “dacomindustrial (dot) com (slash) ac (slash)” domain. Please do not try to type the domain into your browser.

I’m writing this to notify everyone on the forum as fast as possible.
Kind regards.

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Thank you for reporting the phishing email. We already reported the phishing domain and it should be taken down soon.

Thanks for your cooperation! :slight_smile:

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I’ve received the same phishing mail, but from a different domain: “no-reply (dot) aplicant (dot) ch”

What’s concerning is the fact that the email address I’ve received it to is exclusively used for Trezor, so there must’ve been a leak of email addresses in one way. Not sure if it affects orders as well or just newsletters, but it would be nice if you could please investigate and address this publicly.

Same for me. The email looked very professional and I might have believed in it if there would not have been a dead line for reaction until tomorrow.

What also worries me, is that they used an email which I solely provided to Trezor. That trapped me into thinking that it would really come from Trezor.

I make myself angry that I noticed Satoshi Labs about an assumed email address data leak last year already after receiving a first scam email. I never heared anything back from them!

Now I’ve got a new Phishing mail from ledgerclearsign (at) mg (dot ) beta (dot) attainica (dot) com
Subject: Secure Your Assets Now: Mandatory Ledger Update Coming
Inside of E-mail body is a button pointing to phishing domain (trekkingservice (dot) com (slash) gt (slash)).

Now it seems they’re trying with Ledger-targeted phishing. I for sure haven’t subscribed or given out my E-mail address to any Ledger platform.

Please inspect your newsletter database for unintended leak/breach of E-mails.
It seems to only affect subscribers of a newsletter.

Thank you and best regards.